You Wouldn't Want to Be a Skyscraper Builder!: A Hazardous Job You'd Rather Not Take

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Author: John Malam

ISBN-10: 0531210480

ISBN-13: 9780531210482

Category: Art & Architecture

get ready...the Great Depression has hit you hard, and you should grab any job you can get. You're about to take on the monumental task of being a Skyscraper Builder.\ It's Dizzying!\ Top Tips From Experts:\ Don't look down. As a sky boy you'll have to walk along narrow beams-hundreds of feet above the ground!\ Steer clear when the blasters are at Work-you wouldn't want to be caught near an explosion.\ Don't say no to night work. The hours may be long and lonely, but you need the money.\...

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get ready...the Great Depression has hit you hard, and you should grab any job you can get. You're about to take on the monumental task of being a Skyscraper Builder.It's Dizzying!Top Tips From Experts:Don't look down. As a sky boy you'll have to walk along narrow beams-hundreds of feet above the ground!Steer clear when the blasters are at Work-you wouldn't want to be caught near an explosion.Don't say no to night work. The hours may be long and lonely, but you need the money.Practice your Catching. As a catcher, you'll have to grab all the red-hot rivets that the furnace man flings at you!

Introduction 5Sky High! New York City Rises 6Wrecker! It's Your Job 8Kaboom! Blasters at Work 10Rock Bottom! Deep Hole 12Bare Bones! A Steel Skeleton 14Get Up! Going to Work 16Catch! Joining the Beams 18Sky Boy! A Good Head For Heights 20The Hard Stuff! 22World's Tallest Tower! 24Sparks Fly! 26Job Done! What Now? 28Glossary 30Index 32