Writing Skills Handbook

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Author: Charles Bazerman

ISBN-10: 0618406638

ISBN-13: 9780618406630

Category: English Grammar

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Writing Skills Handbook is written for undergraduate writing courses in which instructors wish to spend little or no class time on matters of grammar and mechanics, yet want their students to have a concise, accessible reference tool to use independently for help with their most common writing problems. Deliberately brief, with no exercises, the handbook offers an overview of the research paper and provides models of the most frequently used citations. Writing Skills Handbook is part of the Houghton Mifflin English Essentials series.

I. Composition. 1. The Writing Process. 1a Writing Throughout the Process. 1b Collaborating Throughout the Process. 1c Gathering Ideas. 1d Planning. 1e Writing and Rewriting. 1f Preparing the Final Copy. 2. The Paragraph. 2a Writing the Topic Sentence. 2b Adding Supporting Details. 2c Arranging the Supporting Details. 2d Other Paragraph Patterns. 2e Writing Transitions. 2f Ending the Paragraph. 3. The Essay. 3a Details and Their Arrangement. 3b The Thesis Statement. 3c The Outline. 3d The Opening Paragraph. 3e The Middle Paragraph. 3f Transitions. 3g The Conclusion. 3h A Sample Essay. 4. Writing from Sources. 4a Summary Writing. 4b The Response Essay. 4c The Synthesis Essay. 4d The Original Argument Using Sources. 4e Evaluating Your Sources. 4f Plagiarism. 4g Documenting Sources. 4h Works Cited List. 5. Logic. II. The Sentence. 6. Sentence Form. 6a The Basic Sentence. 6b Sentence Fragments. 6c Combined Sentences. 6d Run-on Sentences. 6e Tangled Sentences. 6f Misplaced and Dangling Descriptive Words. 6g Some Pointers on Sentence Form. 7. Verbs. 7a What Is a Verb? 7b Agreement of Subject and Verb. 7c Verb Tenses. 7d Active and Passive Verbs. 7e Needless Shifts in Tense. 8. Pronouns. 8a Pronoun References. 8b Pronouns and Gender. 8c Pronouns as Subjects and Objects. 8d Pronouns That Show Ownership. 8e Pronouns That Relate. 9. Adjectives and Adverbs. 9a Singular and Plural Adjectives. 9b Adjectives Made from Verbs. 9c Comparisons Using Adjectives and Adverbs. 10. Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. 11. Style and Usage. 11a Specific and General Words. 11b Repetition. 11c Wordiness. 11d Clich's and Slogans. 11e Shades of Meaning. 11f Inclusive Language. 11g Words Commonly Confused. III. Mechanics. 12. Punctuation. 12a Stops at the End of the Sentence. 12b Breaks in the Middle of the Sentence. 12c Other Punctuation. 13. Quotation Marks. 13a Direct Quotations. 13b Long Direct Quotations. 13c Quotations Within Quotations. 13d Titles of Short Works. 13e Quotation Marks with Other Marks of Punctuation. 14. Capitals. 14a Sentences and Quotations. 14b Letters. 14c Proper Names. 15. Numbers. 15a Figures. 15b Addresses. 15c Times. 15d Percentages. 15e Dates. 15f Figures That Show Order. 15g Parts of a Book. 16. Abbreviations. 16a Titles. 16b Parts of Company Names. 16c People's Names. 16d Companies and Government Agencies. 16e School Subjects. 16f Latin Words. 16g Symbols Used with Words. 16h Abbreviations or Symbols Used with Numbers. 16i Months and Days. 17. Italics. 17a Titles of Major Works. 17b Foreign Words. 17c Words, Letters, and Numbers Used as Such. 17d Words That Need Emphasis. 18. Spelling. 18a Spelling Correctly. 18b Words Often Misspelled. 18c Homonyms and Near Homonyms. 18d The ie Rule. 18e Finale. 18f Doubled Letters. 18g Finaly. 18h Plurals. 18i Using a Dictionary for Spelling and Meaning.