Writing PR: A Multimedia Approach

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Author: Meta G. Carstarphen

ISBN-10: 0801333377

ISBN-13: 9780801333378

Category: Business Life & Skills

Writing PR: A Multimedia Approach is designed to teach effective and creative public relations writing through critical thinking tips, vivid examples and expert perspectives. Students who use Writing PR: A Multimedia Approach will gain confidence in their ability to write and design across media platforms–an increasingly necessary skill - through carefully-laid repetition of key ideas, step-by-step guidance, tip boxes, and realistic examples ranging from student portfolios to top...

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Readers who use Writing PR: A Multimedia Approach will gain confidence in their ability to write and design across media platforms - an increasingly necessary skill - through carefully-laid repetition of key ideas, step-by-step guidance, tip boxes, and realistic examples ranging from student portfolios to top professionals' files.

PrefaceSect. IFrameworks for Public Relations Writings1Ch. 1Frameworks for Public Relations: Professional and Historical Outlooks1Ch. 2Public Relations and the Writing Process29Ch. 3Backgrounders48Ch. 4News Releases: The Most Important Writing Tools75Ch. 5Media Lists: Targeting News for Results99Ch. 6Media Relations: Ethical Standards and Considerations113Sect. IIGraphics and the Merger of Word and Image137Ch. 7Technology and Public Relations Writing137Ch. 8Defining Visual Style157Ch. 9Processing the Page: Design Stages173Ch. 10Features, Magazines and Trade Publications191Ch. 11Brochures, Newsletters and Direct Response210Sect. IIIExpanding Public Relations Writing Through Technology230Ch. 12Public Speaking and Presentations230Ch. 13Advertising and PR: Creating Print Public Service Announcements258Ch. 14Streaming Media and Broadcast Models: Writing for Radio and Television Contexts272Sect. IVWriting and Strategic Public Relations Management291Ch. 15Planning the Special Event291Ch. 16Style and Structure: Decoding Grammar, Usage and Stylebooks319Ch. 17Crisis PR: Preparing and Writing for the Unexpected330App. ICase Study: How to Rebuild a City - Fort Worth, TX - After the Tornadoes352App. IICodes of Ethics376Bibliography and Suggested Readings383Index391