Writing First with Readings: Practice in Context

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Author: Laurie G. Kirszner

ISBN-10: 0312487584

ISBN-13: 9780312487584

Category: English Grammar

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Writing First: Practice in Context helps students master basic writing skills by providing them with clear instruction, engaging models, interesting and abundant exercises, and plenty of guidance for self-checking and revising their work. In addition, the unique "practice-in-context" method gets students writing immediately in every chapter and has them consistently applying what they learn to their own writing. The fourth edition goes further in helping students make important connections — between paragraph and essay writing skills, and between following step-by-step models of writing and composing their own work. Revised in consultation with an ESL specialist, this edition is a strong choice for classrooms with non-native speakers. With additional chapters on study skills and research, Writing First is an invaluable tool for students learning the essential skills of college reading and writing. Writing First: Practice in Context and Foundations First: Sentences and Paragraphs are part of a two-book workbook series from experienced teachers and authors Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell. Both books teach students basic writing and grammar skills in the context of their own writing — where students learn best.

Preface for Instructors A Student's Guide to Using Writing First Self-Assessment Checklists for Writing Paragraphs and Essays WRITING PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS UNIT 1 Focus on Paragraphs CHAPTER 1 Writing a Paragraph A Understanding Paragraph Structure B Focusing on Your Assignment, Purpose, and Audience C Finding Ideas D Identifying Your Main Idea and Writing a Topic Sentence E Choosing and Arranging Supporting Points F Drafting Your Paragraph G Revising and Editing Your Paragraph Self-Assessment Checklist: Revising Your Paragraph Review Checklist: Writing a Paragraph CHAPTER 2 Fine-Tuning Your Paragraph A Writing Unified Paragraphs B Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs C Writing Coherent Paragraphs Chapter Review Review Checklist: Fine-Tuning Your Paragraph UNIT 2 Patterns of Paragraph Development CHAPTER 3 Exemplification A What is Exemplification? B Writing an Exemplification Paragraph Self-Assessment Checklist: Writing an Exemplification Paragraph Moving from Paragraph to Essay: Exemplification CHAPTER 4 Narration CHAPTER 5 Description CHAPTER 6 Process CHAPTER 7 Cause and Effect CHAPTER 8 Comparison and Contrast CHAPTER 9 Classification CHAPTER 1 Definition CHAPTER 11 Argument Note: Chapters 4 – 11 follow the same format as chapter 3 but details have been omitted to save space. UNIT 3 Focus on Essays CHAPTER 12 Writing an Essay A Thinking about Paragraphs and Essays B Deciding on a Topic C Finding Ideas D Stating Your Thesis E Choosing Supporting Points F Arranging Supporting Points G Drafting Your Essay H Revising Your Essay Self-Assessment Checklist: Revising Your Essay I Editing Your Essay Self-Assessment Checklist: Editing Your Essay Chapter Review Review Checklist: Writing an Essay CHAPTER 13 Introductions and Conclusions A Introductions B Conclusions Chapter Review Review Checklist: Introductions and Conclusions Chapter 14 Patterns of Essay Development A Exemplification Self-Assessment Checklist: Writing an Exemplification Essay B Narration C Description D Process E Cause and Effect F Comparison and Contrast G Classification H Definition I Argument Review Checklist: Patterns of Essay Development Note: Sections B - I follow the same format as section A but details have been omitted to save space. REVISING AND EDITING YOUR WRITING UNIT 4 Writing Effective Sentences Chapter 15 Writing Simple Sentences A Subjects B Prepositional Phrases C Verbs Chapter Review Review Checklist: Writing Simple Sentences Chapter 16 Writing Compound Sentences A Using Coordinating Conjunctions B Using Semicolons C Using Transitional Words and Phrases Chapter Review Review Checklist: Writing Compound Sentences Chapter 17 Writing Complex Sentences A Identifying Complex Sentences B Using Subordinating Conjunctions C Using Relative Pronouns D Punctuating with Relative Pronouns Chapter Review Review Checklist: Writing Complex Sentences Chapter 18 Achieving Sentence Variety A Varying Sentence Types B Varying Sentence Openings C Combining Sentences D Mixing Long and Short Sentences Chapter Review Review Checklist: Achieving Sentence Variety Chapter 19 Using Parallelism A Recognizing Parallel Structure B Using Parallel Structure Chapter Review Review Checklist: Using Parallelism Chapter 2 Using Words Effectively A Using Specific Words B Using Concise Language C Avoiding Slang D Avoiding Clichés D Using Similes and Metaphors E Avoiding Sexist Language Chapter Review Review Checklist: Using Words Effectively Unit Review UNIT 5 Solving Common Sentence Problems Chapter 21 Run-Ons A Recognizing Run-Ons B Correcting Run-Ons Chapter Review Review Checklist: Run-Ons and Comma Splices Chapter 22 Sentence Fragments A Recognizing Sentence Fragments B Missing-Subject Fragments C Phrase Fragments D -ing Fragments E Dependent Clause Fragments Chapter Review Review Checklist: Sentence Fragments Chapter 23 Subject-Verb Agreement A Understanding Subject-Verb Agreement B Compound Subjects C Be, Have, and Do C Words Between the Subject and the Verb D Avoiding Agreement Problems with Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects E Collective Noun Subjects F Indefinite Pronoun Subjects G Verbs Before Subjects Chapter Review Review Checklist: Subject-Verb Agreement Chapter 24 Illogical Shifts A Shifts in Tense B Shifts in Person C Shifts in Voice Chapter Review Review Checklist: Illogical Shifts Chapter 25 Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers A Correcting Misplaced Modifiers B Correcting Dangling Modifiers Chapter Review Review Checklist: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers Unit Review UNIT 6 Understanding Basic Grammar Chapter 26 Verbs: Past Tense A Regular Verbs B Irregular Verbs C Problem Verbs: Be D Problem Verbs: Can/Could and Will/Would Chapter Review Review Checklist: Verbs: Past Tense Chapter 27 Verbs: Past Participles A Regular Past Participles B Irregular Past Participles C The Present Perfect Tense D The Past Perfect Tense E Past Participles as Adjectives Chapter Review Review Checklist: Verbs: Past Participles Chapter 28 Nouns and Pronouns A Identifying Nouns B Forming Plural Nouns C Identifying Pronouns D Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement E Special Problems with Agreement F Vague and Unneccessary Pronouns G Pronoun Case H Special Problems with Case I Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Chapter Review Review Checklist: Noun and Pronouns Chapter 29 Adjectives and Adverbs A Identifying Adjectives and Adverbs B Comparatives and Superlatives Chapter Review Review Checklist: Adjectives and Adverbs Chapter 3 Grammar and Usage for ESL Writers A Subjects in Sentences B Plural Nouns C Count and Noncount Nouns D Determiners with Count and Noncount Nouns E Articles F Negative Statements and Questions G Verb Tense H Stative Verbs I Modal Auxiliaries J Gerunds K Placing Modifiers in Order L Choosing Prepositions M Prepositions in Familiar Expressions N Prepositions in Phrasal Verbs Chapter Review Review Checklist: Grammar and Usage for ESL Writers Unit Review UNIT 7 Understanding Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Chapter 31 Using Commas A Commas in a Series B Commas with Introductory Phrases and Transitional Words and Phrases C Commas with Appositives D Commas with Nonrestrictive Clauses E Commas in Dates and Addresses F Unnecessary Commas Chapter Review Review Checklist: Using Commas Chapter 32 Using Apostrophes A Apostrophes in Contractions B Apostrophes in Possessives C Incorrect Use of Apostrophes Chapter Review Review Checklist: Using Apostrophes Chapter 33 Understanding Mechanics A Capitalizing Proper Nouns B Punctuating Direct Quotations C Setting Off Titles D Using Minor Punctuation Marks Chapter Review Review Checklist: Understanding Mechanics Chapter 34 Understanding Spelling A Becoming a Better Speller B ie and ei C Prefixes D Suffixes E Commonly Confused Words Chapter Review Review Checklist: Understanding Spelling Unit Review BECOMING A CRITICAL READER Unit Eight Reading Essays Chapter 35 Reading for College A Previewing B Highlighting C Annotating D Outlining E Summarizing F Writing a Response Paragraph G Reading In the Classroom, In the Community, and In the Workplace Chapter 36 Readings for Writers A Exemplification Judith Ortiz Cofer, "Don't Call Me a Hot Tamale" Ellen Goodman, "The Suspected Shopper" B Narration Lynda Barry, "The Sanctuary of School" Martin Gansberg, "Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police" C Description Amy Tan, "Fish Cheeks" Esmeralda Santiago, "Guavas" D Process Russell Baker, "Slice of Life" Malcolm X, "My First Conk" E Cause and Effect John Schwartz, "The Poncho Bearer" Lawrence Otis Graham, "The 'Black Table' Is Still There" F Comparison and Contrast Indira Ganesan, "Resisting My Family History" John Gray, "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" G Classification Jo-Ellan Dimitrius and Mark Mazzarella, "Liars" Scott Russell Sanders, "The Men We Carry In Our Minds" H Definition Gayle Rosenwald Smith, "The Wife-Beater" Judy Brady, "Why I Want a Wife" I Argument Edwidge Danticat, "Impounded Fathers" Ji-Yeon Yuh, "Let's Tell the Story of All America's Cultures" Dave Eggers, "Serve or Fail" APPENDIX A Strategies for College Success APPENDIX B Using Research in Your Writing APPENDIX C Taking Standardized Assessment Tests APPENDIX D Job-Hunting Strategies Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercise Items Index Correction Symbols (last book page) Parts of Speech (inside back cover)