Writing and the Digital Generation: Essays on New Media Rhetoric

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Author: Heather Urbanski

ISBN-10: 0786437200

ISBN-13: 9780786437207

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

"This collection explores topics too often overlooked by traditional academic scholarship, though critical to an exploration of rhetoric and popular culture, including fan fiction, reality television, blogging, online role-playing games, and Fantasy Football. Both scholarly and engaging, this text draws rhetorical studies into the digital age"--Provided by publisher.

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"This collection explores topics too often overlooked by traditional academic scholarship, though critical to an exploration of rhetoric and popular culture, including fan fiction, reality television, blogging, online role-playing games, and Fantasy Football. Both scholarly and engaging, this text draws rhetorical studies into the digital age"--Provided by publisher.

Preface 1Introduction: Blurring Rhetorical Borders Heather Urbanski 3I React: Maintaining a Fan CommunityEssays1 The Inter(Active) Soap Opera Viewer: Fantastic Practices and Mediated Communities Melissa Ames 192 Going Deep: What Online Sports Culture Teaches Us About the Rhetorical Future of Social Networks Michael R. Trice 333 Spoiling Heroes, Enhancing Our Viewing Pleasure: NBC's Heroes and the Re-Shaping of the Televisual Landscape Marina Hassapopoulou 454 History, the Trace, and Fandom Wank Karen Hellekson 585 Writing Wonder Women: How Playful Resistance Leads to Sustained Authorial Participation at Sequential Tart Kimberly DeVries 70Profiles6 What the Frell Happened? Rhetorical Strategies of the Farscape Community Sean Morey 837 The Realtime Forum Fan Thomas B. Cavanagh 868 "As Seen on The Colbert Report": Or, Why I Love Reality TV Georgiana O. Miller 90II Re-Mix: Participating in Established NarrativesEssays9 Making Our Voices Heard: Young Adult Females Writing Participatory Fan Fiction Susanna Coleman 9510 Dungeons and Dragons for Jocks: Trash Talking and Viewing Habits of Fantasy Football League Participants Julie L. Rowse 10611 Alternate Universes on Video: Ficvid and the Future of Narrative Kim Middleton 117Profiles12 Dean, Mai and Snape Walk into a Bar: Lessons in Crossing Over Julie Larsen 13213 Stars of a Different Variety: Stealth Teaching Through Fanfic Kristine Larsen 135III Re-Create: Creating Narratives within Established FramesEssays14 Writing and Rhetoric for a Ludic Democracy: YouTube, Fandom, and Participatory Pleasure Diane Penrod14115 World of Rhetcraft: Rhetorical Production and Raiding in World of Warcraft Christopher Paul 15216 Rekindling Rhetoric: Oratory and Marketplace Culture in Guild Wars Matthew S. S. Johnson 16217 Virtual Guerrillas and a World of Extras: Shooting Machinima in Second Life Mark Pepper 17418 Remix, Play, and Remediation: Undertheorized Composing Practices Andréa Davi Suzanne Webb Dundee Lackey Dànielle Nicole DeVoss 186Profiles19 Conf(us)(ess)ions of a Videogame Role-Player Zach Waggoner 19820 Born Again in a Fictional Universe: A Participant Portrait of EVE Online Harald Warmelink 20121 A Place to Call Home: The Experience of One Guild Char in World of Warcraft Wendi Jewell 20422 Magic Canvas: Digital Building Blocks Catherine McDonald 207IV Teaching the Digital GenerationEssays23 Encouraging Feedback: Responding to Fan Fiction at Different Colored Pens Juli Parrish 21324 MetaSpace: Meatspacc and Blogging Intersect Elizabeth Kleinfeld 22625 Meeting the Digital Generation in the Classroom: A Reflection on the Obstacles Heather Urbanski 239Profiles26 Making Dorothy Parker My MySpace Friend: A Classroom Application for Social Networks Ashley Andrews 25227 Novel Cartographies, New Correspondences Jentery Sayers 255About the Contributors 259Index 265