Writing: A Guide for College And Beyond

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Author: Lester Faigley

ISBN-10: 0205648703

ISBN-13: 9780205648702

Category: Major Branches of Philosophical Study

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Writing: A Guide for College and Beyond uses written instruction and visual tools to teaches how to read, write, and research effectively for different purposes.Lester Faigley’s clear and inviting teaching style and Dorling Kindersley’s accessible and striking design combine to create a textbook that shows what readers and writers actually do. Unique, dynamic presentations of reading, writing, and research processes in the text bring writing alive and speaks to those with many learning styles. Throughout the book, the readers are engaged and learning, with such notable features as “process maps” to guide through the major writing assignments, extensive examples of student “Writers at work,” and diverse, distinctive reading selections.

The Writer as ExplorerMaking DiscoveriesLook with new eyes     3Explore the world     4Find a territory     6Use guides     10Reading to ExploreBecome a critical reader     13Look with a critical eye     14Read actively     16Recognize fallacies     18Respond as a reader     20Planning a JourneyDetermine your direction     23Write a thesis     24Plan your route     26Returning and RevisingSee again     28Evaluate your draft     29Respond to others     31Pay attention to details last     32The Writer as GuideWriting in CollegeUnderstand the demands of writing in college     37Think about your aim     38Think about your genre     40Writing EffectivelyUnderstand the rhetorical situation     43Think about your audience     44Think about your credibility     46Become an effective writer     48Got Roddick?     49ReflectingWriting reflections     54An effective reflectionSome Lines for a Younger Brother...     56Howto read reflections     60EditorialTwo Ways to Belong in America     61Short StoryA Blizzard Under Blue Sky     64MemoirArrival: 1960     71EssayLet It Snow     74BlogJust Another Soldier     77EssayWhy I Hunt: A Predator's Meditation     81EssayMother Tongue     85How to write a reflection     90Student essayThe Miracle Quilt     102Projects     106ObservingWriting observations     110An effective observationLiving Like Weasels     112How to read observations     117Travel AccountThe First Descent of the Grand Canyon     118Photo EssayPhotographs of Japanese-Americans at Manzanar     123EssayA Small Place     128ArticleLow Wages, Strong Backs     133Travel AccountThe Travelogue of an Astronomer     142How to write an observation     146Student essayChemistry 105: An Analysis of Classroom Dynamics in a Large Lecture Course     160Projects     164InformingReporting information     168Effective informative writingThe Emperor's Giraffe      171How to read informative writing     176ProfileRussell Simmons     177EssayHow Do I Love Thee?     184Executive SummaryThe National Commission on Writing for America's Families, Schools, and Colleges: Writing: A Ticket to Work...Or a Ticket Out     194InstructionBuilding a Shelter     197Information Web SiteHawai'i Volcanoes National Park Visitor Information: View LavaSafely     200How to write to inform     204Student reportThe Life Cycle of Stars     222Projects     230Analyzing TextsWriting to analyze     234Writing a rhetorical analysis     236Writing a visual analysis     238Writing a literary analysis     240An effective analysisStraight from the Heart     242How to read analyses     247ArticleThe Collapse of Big Media: The Young and the Restless     248EssayRace, Gender, and Civilization at the Columbian Exposition     256BuildingThe Ray and Maria Stata Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology     261Corporate LogoLandor Associates: Federal Express Logo     264Product DesignVolkswagen Beetle     266Short StoryEveryday Use      269Literary Analysis"Make Something of Yourself": Symbolism in Alice Walkers "Everyday Use"     278Short StoryLove in L.A.     281How to write a rhetorical analysis     284Student rhetorical analysisInvestigating 'Independence": An Analysis of Frederick Douglass's Speech, "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"     296Projects     302Analyzing CausesWriting to analyze causes     306An effective causal analysisPesticides, Parasite May Cause Frog Deformities     310How to read causal analyses     314EssayNew Orleans' Blessing; New Orleans' Curse     315EssayIf You Build It, They Will Come-on Foot     320EssayWhy Should I Be Nice To You? Coffee Shops and the Politics of Good Service     326ArticleBarbie's Body May Be Perfect, but Critics Remind Us It's Plastic     335ArticleTelevision Violence and Aggression     339LeafletOperation Iraqi Freedom Leaflets     342How to write a causal analysis     344Student causal analysisBorrowing Bling: The Appeal of Hip-hop to Young White Men     360Projects     364EvaluatingWriting to evaluate     368An effective evaluationThe Aesthetics of Wind Power      371How to read evaluations     376ArticleLearning to Love PowerPoint     377OpinionPowerPoint Is Evil     380ReviewMcNasty: The New "Healthy" Fast Food Items Taste Bad (and Aren 't So Healthy Either)     384EssayGangsta Rap and American Culture     390ArticleThe Nitpicking Nation     398How to write an evaluation     402Student essayStop Loss or "Loss of Trust"     416Projects     422Arguing for a PositionWriting a position argument     426An effective position argumentTake My Privacy, Please!     430How to read position arguments     435SpeechWhat to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?     436SpeechTreaty Oration     444ArticleThe Color of Mayhem     448LetterHillary vs. "Grand Theft Auto"     452ArticleLife Without Health Insurance     455AdvertisementsBuff Daddy     458Food Cops Bust Cookie Monster     459How to write a position argument     460Student argumentSpeech Doesn't Have to be Pretty to Be Protected     476Projects     482Arguing for ChangeMaking an argument for change      486An effective argument for changeThe Declaration of Independence     490How to read arguments for change     495EssayA Trail of DNA and Data     496ArticleCoal in a Nice Shade of Green     500SpeechBuilding the Interstate Highway System     503Grant ProposalMonterey County Fire Chiefs AssociationBreaking the Fire Department's Language Barrier     507Web SiteU.S. Armed ForcesUnited States Marine Corps Recruitment     513ArticleMirror, Mirror on the Wall, Are Muscular Men the Best of All?     518How to write an argument for change     522Student argumentLet's Make It a Real Melting Pot with Presidential Hopes for All     538Projects     544The Writer as ResearcherPlanning ResearchAnalyze the research task     549Ask a question     550Determine what you need     551Draft a working thesis     553How to plan research     554Researcher at work     555Exploring LibrariesDetermine the print sources you need     557Search using keywords     558Find books     559Find journal articles     560Evaluate print sources      562Start a working bibliography     563How to explore libraries     564Researcher at work     565Exploring Online LibrariesFind Information in databases     567Construct effective searches     568Locate elements of a citation     569How to explore online libraries     570Researcher at work     571Exploring the WebFind Information on the Web     573Evaluate Web sources     575Find visual sources online     577How to explore the Web     578Researcher at work     579Exploring in the FieldConduct interviews     581Administer surveys     582Make observations     584How to conduct field research     586Researcher at world     587Writing the Research PaperPlan your organization     589Avoid plagiarism     590Quote sources without plagiarizing     591Summarize and paraphrase sources without plagiarizing     593Incorporate quotations     595Incorporate visuals     598Review your research project     599How to write a research paper      600Researcher at work     601MLA DocumentationElements of MLA documentation     604Entries in the works cited list     605In-text citations in MLA style     607Books in MLA-style works cited     610Periodicals in MLA-style works cited     614Online sources in MLA-style works cited     618Other sources in MLA-style works cited     622Visual sources in MLA-style works cited     623Sample MLA paperIt's Time to Shut Down the Identity Theft Racket     624APA DocumentationAPA citations     634In-text citations in APA style     635Books in APA-style references list     637Periodicals in APA-style references list     640Online sources in APA-style references list     643Other sources in APA-style references list     646APA reports of research     646Sample APA paperHer Life Depends On It     647The Writer as DesignerThinking VisuallyCommunicate with visuals and words     657Understand visual and verbal concepts     658Creating VisualsKnow when to use images and graphics     663Take pictures that aren't boring     664Compose images      665Edit images     666Create tables, charts, and graphs     667Designing for PrintStart with your readers     669Use headings and subheadings effectively     670Design pages     671Understand typography     672The Writer as EditorDesigning a Web SitePlan a Web site     679Make your site visually effective     680Make navigation easy     681Delivering PresentationsPlan a presentation     683Design effective visuals     684Give a memorable presentation     685Working as a TeamOrganize a team     687Understand the team process     688Work as a team     689Writing Effective ParagraphsDevelop paragraphs     693Pay attention to paragraph length     694Link within and across paragraphs     696Start fast     698Conclude with strength     700Summary for editing paragraphs     701Writing Effective SentencesUnderstand sentence basics     703Pay attention to verbs     705Stay active     706Find characters     707Write concise sentences      708Write ethical sentences     709Match structure with ideas     710Summary for editing sentences     711Avoiding ErrorsFix fragments     713Fix run-on sentences     714Fix comma spices     715Make verbs agree with subjects     716Make pronouns agree     717Fix shifts     718Use modifiers correctly     719Place modifiers carefully     720Summary for editing for errors     721Understanding Punctuation and ConventionsIdentify where commas are needed     723Place commas correctly with modifiers     724Place commas correctly with clauses and phrases     725Use semicolons and colons correctly     726Use hyphens, dashes, and parentheses correctly     727Use quotation marks correctly     728Use other punctuation correctly     729Understand print conventions     730Summary for punctuation and conventions     731Writing in a Second LanguageUnderstand how languages differ     733Understand nouns in English     734Understand articles in English     735Understand verbs and modifiers in English      736Understand English sentence structure     738Summary for second-language writers     739AppendixesWriting Essay Exams     740Creating Portfolios     742Credits     746Index     748