Writer's Pocket Handbook

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Author: Alfred F. Rosa

ISBN-10: 0201784785

ISBN-13: 9780201784787

Category: English Grammar

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The Writer's Pocket Handbook is a very brief spiral-bound handbook and an inexpensive, handy, and relatively complete reference manual for use in composing papers in any subject area. Not just a style manual, The Writer's Pocket Handbook begins with Writing with Purpose, a unique section in a handbook of this size, which provides information on the rhetorical situation in order to contextualize the reference material that follows. This little book is process-oriented, authoritative, practical, filled with instructive, hand-edited examples, including the latest 1998 MLA recommendations for documenting electronic sources. The pocket-sized, spiral-bound format allows quick, convenient reference, and the unique opening section provides a process-oriented overview of the rhetorical situation subject, thesis, audience, purpose, and paragraphing. For anyone who is interested in acquiring advanced composition skills.

WRITING WITH PURPOSE. 1. Analyzing the Writing Task. 2. Generating Ideas and Collecting Information. 3. Determining a Purpose. 4. Establishing a Thesis Statement. 5. Analyzing Your Audience. 6. Crafting Effective Paragraphs. 7. Revising.WRITING WITH CLARITY. 8. Strive for Conciseness. 9. Balance Parallel Ideas.10. Eliminate Confusing Shifts.11. Fix Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers.12. Strive for Sentence Variety.13. Use Exact Words.14. Use Appropriate Words.SPECIAL TYPES OF WRITING.15. Argumentative Essays.16. Essay Examinations.17. Response/Reaction Writing.18. Review of Literature Writing.19. Annotated Bibliography vs. Abstract.20. Reports.21. E-mail.22. Oral Presentations.EDITING FOR GRAMMAR.23. Subject-Verb Agreement.24. Verbs: Form, Tense, Mood, and Voice.25. Pronoun Problems.26. Adjectives and Adverbs.27. Sentence Fragments.28. Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences.29. Common ESL Problems.PUNCTUATION.30. The Comma.31. The Semicolon.32. The Colon.33. The Apostrophe.34. Quotation Marks.35. Other Marks.MECHANICS.36. Capital Letters.37. Abbreviations.38. Numbers.39. Italics/Underlining.40. The Hyphen.41. Spelling.FORMAT.42. Basic Page Format.43. Business Correspondence.RESEARCHED WRITING.44. Using Print Sources.45. Using Internet Sources.46. Using Directory and Keyword Searches.47. Selecting and Evaluating Sources.48. Keeping a Working Bibliography.49. Avoiding Plagiarism.50. Integrating Quotations, Paraphrases, Summaries, and Visuals.51. Revising a Research Paper.DOCUMENTATION.52. MLA Documentation Style.53. APA Documentation Style.54. Chicago Manual Documentation Style.55. CBE Documentation Style.56. Other Documentation Style Manuals.GLOSSARIES.57. Glossary of Usage.58. Glossary of Grammatical Terms.Index.Revision Checklist.Correction Symbols.