Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing

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Author: Pamela Arlov

ISBN-10: 0136050549

ISBN-13: 9780136050544

Category: English Grammar

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The Wordsmith series is the value-packed option that students will appreciate while mastering key writing and grammar skills.   Wordsmith is the book for instructors who want to truly connect with their students. Arlov created a text that counters many of the objections instructors had about textbooks, such as: Students find textbooks dry and tedious. Arlov includes thought-provoking chapter openers, plenty of visuals, and a conversational, engaging writing style that students really respond to. Students find textbooks irrelevant to their lives. Arlov's coverage of the rhetorical modes is realistic and models real-life writing. She includes "Real Writing" examples in the modes chapters to make Wordsmith relevant to students' lives.  Students become frustrated if the entire text is not used in class. Wordsmith is 100 pages briefer than similar texts on the market and an affordable option. This more concise approach also does not overwhelm students with too much information. Wordsmith provides students with just the right balnace of instruction and practice. Booknews A textbook divided into sections on composition, grammar, and readings, and provided with more than enough material for one term so that instructors can mix and match as suits them best. Employs a conversational tone and a step-by-step approach. The pages are perforated so the worksheets and exercises can be removed easily. No bibliography is included. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

PrefaceTo the InstructorxixTo the StudentxxvPart 1CompositionChapter 1The Writing Process3The Writing Process4Prewriting4Planning4Drafting4Revising5Proofreading6An Important Point6The Writing Process: Carla's Essay7Chapter 2Preparing to Write20Prewriting21Why Prewrite?21Prewriting Methods22Brainstorming22Freewriting24Invisible Writing: A Computer Technique26Clustering27Narrowing Your Topic: The Topic-Subtopic Method28Outlining31Journal Writing32Chapter 3Writing Paragraphs34Characteristics of an Effective Paragraph34Direction: Shaping the Topic Sentence of a Paragraph35Unity: Sticking to the Point39Coherence: Holding the Paragraph Together41Support: Using Specific Detail47Chapter 4Building a Framework: Thesis and Organization56Constructing the Thesis Statement57Types of Thesis Statements57Evaluating Your Thesis Points63Organizing Your Essay67Emphatic Order67Sandwich Order69Chronological Order71Chapter 5Introducing the Essay73Purposes of an Introduction73Types of Introduction74Broad to Narrow74Narrow to Broad75Quotation76Anecdote79Contrasting Idea80Historical82Chapter 6Developing Body Paragraphs84Characteristics of an Effective Body Paragraph84Direction: Shaping the Topic Sentences of Body Paragraphs85Unity: Sticking to the Point of the Essay90Coherence: Holding the Essay Together93Support: Using Specific Detail96Chapter 7Concluding the Essay107Methods of Conclusions107Summary108Recommendation108Prediction109Full Circle110Quotation112Traps to Avoid113Sermonizing113Starched Prose114Chapter 8Revising and Proofreading115Revising115Checklist for Revision116Proofreading121The Top-Down Technique122The Bottom-Up Technique122The Targeting Technique122Proofreading the World-Processed Essay123Chapter 9Showing and Telling: Description, Narration, and Example126Description126Sense Impressions127Spatial Order129Establishing a Dominant Impression130Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Descriptive Writing132Narration139Techniques for Successful Narration140Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Narrative Writing143Example149Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Writing Supported by Example152Chapter 10Limiting and Ordering: Definition, Classification, and Process160Definition160Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Writing Developed by Definition162Classification168Establishing a Basis for Classification169Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Writing Developed through Classification173Process180Organizing the Process Essay180Introducing the Process Essay181Concluding the Process Essay181Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Process Writing182Chapter 11Examining Logical Connections: Comparison-Contrast, Cause-Effect, and Argument189Comparison-Contrast190Setting Up the Comparison-Contrast Paragraph190Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Writing Using Comparison-Contrast193Cause and Effect198Identifying Causes and Effects199Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Writing Using Cause and Effect200Argument206Taking Sides206Introducing an Argument Essay206Will You Change Anyone's Mind?207Wordsmith's Corner: Examples of Writing Using Argument207Part 2GrammarBasic GrammarChapter 12Subjects and Verbs217Action and Linking Verbs217Action Verbs218Linking Verbs218Recognizing Subjects and Verbs220Finding the Verb220Finding the Subject222Recognizing Prepositional Phrases224Regular and Irregular Verbs225Puzzling Pairs229Chapter 13Subject-Verb Agreement236The Basic Pattern236Problems in Subject-Verb Agreement240Prepositional Phrase between Subject and Verb240Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects241Subject Following the Verb242Compound Subjects243Chapter 14Run-On Sentences250What Is a Run-On Sentence?250Correcting Run-Ons252Method 1Period and Capital Letter252Method 2Comma and FANBOYS Conjunction253Method 3Semicolon254Method 4Semicolon and Transitional Expression255Method 5Dependent Word256A Special Case: The Word That258Chapter 15Sentence Fragments265What Is a Sentence Fragment?265Dependent Clause Fragments266Verbal Phrase Fragments (to, -ing, and -ed)267Missing-Subject Fragments271Example and Exception Fragments272Prepositional-Phrase Fragments274Chapter 16Pronouns280Subject and Object Pronouns280Subject Pronouns281Object Pronouns283Pronoun Agreement, Reference, and Point of View286Pronoun Agreement286Pronoun Reference291Pronoun Point of View296Advanced GrammarChapter 17Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers303Misplaced Modifiers304Single-Word Modifiers305Dangling Modifiers308Chapter 18Parallel Structure317Chapter 19Verb Shifts326Shifts in Tense326Avoiding Unnecessary Tense Shifts327Providing Necessary Tense Shifts329Active and Passive Voice330Uses of Active and Passive Voice332Writing Sentences in Active and Passive Voice333Correcting Shifts in Voice335Punctuation, Word Choice, and MechanicsChapter 20Commas343Commas to Set Off Introductory Words, Phrases, and Clauses343Commas to Join Items in a Series344Commas to Join Independent Clauses345Commas Around Interrupters347Commas with Direct Quotations347Commas in Names and Dates348Chapter 21Other Punctuation354End Punctuation: Period, Question Mark, and Exclamation Point354The Period354The Question Mark355The Exclamation Point355The Semicolon356Semicolon to Join Independent Clauses356Semicolon to Join Items in a List357Colons and Dashes: Formal and Informal Punctuation358The Colon358The Dash358Parentheses: Tools of Understatement359Chapter 22Word Choice365Slang365Cliches367Wordiness368Pretentious Writing370Chapter 23Words Commonly Confused380Words Commonly Confused380Chapter 24Capital Letters389Capital Letters to Begin Sentences389Capitalization of Words Referring to Individuals390Names and the Pronoun I390Family Relationships390Professional Titles391Capitalization of Words Referring to Groups391Religions, Geographic Locations, Races, and Nationalities391Organizations, Businesses, and Agencies392Capitalization of Words Referring to Time and Place393Dates, Days, Holidays, and Seasons393Place Names393Compass Points394Capitalization of Words Referring to Things and Activities395School Subjects395Titles395Consumer Products396Abbreviations396Chapter 25Apostrophes400Apostrophes in Contractions400Apostrophes to Show Possession402Making Nouns Possessive402Distinguishing Possessives from Simple Plurals405Possessive Forms of Pronouns406Proofreading for Apostrophe Errors407Chapter 26Quotation Marks, Underlining, and Italics414Quotation Marks to Signal Quotations414Direct Quotations414Indirect Quotations417Quotation Marks, Italics, or Underlining to Set Off Titles418Quotation Marks418Italics and Underlining419Part 3Readings1Babies Suck4272The Brutal Business of Boxing4333Growing Up Bilingual4394The Game of My Life4465Rebel with a Dye Job4526Coping with Procrastination4587Migraine Blues4648When Words Get in the Way4719Letting in Light47710Date Rape: Exposing Dangerous Myths48411That Lean and Hungry Look49112Education Unplugged49813Should College Athletes Be Paid?50414The Fears That Save Us51115Reading, Writing, and...Ethics?519Acknowledgments526Index527