Wit and Wisdom of Jane Austen: Quotes From Her Novels, Letters, and Diaries

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Author: Jane Austen

ISBN-10: 1569756813

ISBN-13: 9781569756812

Category: Literary Quotations

This book brings together the famous novelist's sharpest, most profound and amusing observations on men, women, marriage, money, life and society.

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Drawn from her world-renowned novels, private writing and extremely entertaining letters, The Wit and Wisdom of Jane Austen is an absorbing collection of the beloved author's insightful musings. Austen's social commentaries remain as fresh today as when first published, taking as their focus universal human traits — romantic innocence, self-delusion, gullibility, greed, snobbery, rudeness, arrogance, and sycophancy. Featuring the best gems from Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibilty, Emma, Mansfield Park, and Austen's other writings, The Wit and Wisdom of Jane Austen is a charming tribute to a writer whose work will resonate for centuries to come.

Introduction 9In a Manner Truly Heroick: Early Exuberances 27A Great Deal of It Must be Invention: History 43Another Stupid Party: Balls, Gowns and Other Fashions 51In a Fine Burst of Literary Enthusiasm: Books and Writing 71The Rich Are Always Respectable 99A Truth Universally Acknowledged: The Marriage Market 107The Nature of Their Attachments: Men and Women 125Jane Austen in Love - and Not 135A Neighborhood of Voluntary Spies 145Vanity Working on a Weak Head: The Absurdity of Self-Regard and Affectation 157The Dissipations of London, the Luxuries of Bath 171A Fine Family 177Of Sterling Insignificance 191One Half Cannot Understand the Other: Observations General and Particular 199I Am a Very Good Housekeeper 213