Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy

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Author: Martin Gilens

ISBN-10: 0226293653

ISBN-13: 9780226293653

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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Tackling one of the most volatile issues in contemporary politics, Martin Gilens's work punctures myths and misconceptions about welfare policy, public opinion, and the role of the media in both. Why Americans Hate Welfare shows that the public's views on welfare are a complex mixture of cynicism and compassion; misinformed and racially charged, they nevertheless reflect both a distrust of welfare recipients and a desire to do more to help the "deserving" poor. The Washington Monthly - John Harwood ...[T]he most important contribution of Martin Gilens' Why Americans Hate Welfare is to identify the responsibility of...the journalistic community...in turning the welfare issue into a racial Rorschach test.

PrefaceIntroduction11The American Welfare State: Public Opinion and Public Policy112Individualism, Self-Interest, and Opposition to Welfare313Racial Attitudes, the Undeserving Poor, and Opposition to Welfare604Assessing Alternative Explanations: Statistical Models of Welfare Attitudes805The News Media and the Racialization of Poverty1026Media Distortions: Causes and Consequences1337Racial Stereotypes and Public Responses to Poverty1548Beyond the Attitude Survey: Public Opinion and Antipoverty Policy1749The Politics of the American Welfare State204Appendix217Notes235Bibliography265Index281