When I Grow Up (We Both Read Series)

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Author: Dennis Haley

ISBN-10: 1891327585

ISBN-13: 9781891327582

Category: Business & Careers

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Text and photographs describe a great variety of occupations which children might have after they grow up.Children's LiteratureThe premise of the "We Both Read" series is that parents and their beginning readers take turns, the adult reading the more advanced text on the left-hand page followed by the child reading the basic text on the facing page. This volume considers career choices ranging from ophthalmologists to homemakers to customer service representatives. For example, the parent reads, "If wondering is your kind of fun, you could be a scientist!" On the facing page, the child reads, "A scientist helped this man go into space. Scientists can also go into space!" Boldface words in the adult's text reappear in the child's portion, also boldfaced to aid in recognition. Full-color, cheerful stock photographs accompany the text, which at times seems overly exuberant. Transitions between topics also could be improved.