Westward Expansion

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Author: Sara E. Quay

ISBN-10: 0313312354

ISBN-13: 9780313312359

Category: Media - Theory & Philosophy

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America's Old West: its own popular culture, and its representation in today's culture. Hillary Theyer - VOYA This unique look at America's expansion to the West explores history through the influence on popular culture of people, places, inventions, and events. From the creation of the chuck wagon to the myth of the cowboy in movies and television, twelve chapters tackle the variety of ways the West lingers in today's clothing, food, transportation, visual arts, and literature. This reference book is packed with information, although the trick for the librarian will be remembering to use it. The invention of denim jeans, a brief biography of Ansel Adams, a look at the transcontinental railroad and the Pullman porters, the importance of the art of Fredric Remington, how the West is featured in Disneyland, and the origin of brand names are all explored. A good index, extensive endnotes, and a long list of further reading will supplement the information found here and provide an easy guide for the student seeking more. Anyone interested in Western history can also read this book for pleasure. Music collectors will find great background information on western popular music, fans of pulp Western fiction could discover a new author, and the "Food" chapter will provide a great background for young people imagining the life of the pioneers on the trail. There are sections on drinking, gambling, and prostitution because all were part of the West, but this book dispels many myths associated with these activities. This excellent title belongs on the reference shelves, and all staff members who assist with student research should be aware of and familiar with it. Index. Illus. Photos. Further Reading. Chronology. 2002, Greenwood, 328p. PLB

Series ForewordPrefaceIntroductionTimeline of Westward ExpansionPt. 1Life and Youth During Westward Expansion1Ch. 1Everyday Life3Ch. 2World of Youth25Pt. 2Popular Culture of Westward Expansion43Ch. 3Advertising45Ch. 4Architecture67Ch. 5Fashion89Ch. 6Food111Ch. 7Leisure Activities131Ch. 8Literature151Ch. 9Music171Ch. 10Performing Arts191Ch. 11Travel213Ch. 12Visual Arts235Cost of Products259Notes261Further Reading287Index297