Webster's New World Student Writing Handbook

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Author: Sharon Sorenson

ISBN-10: 0470435399

ISBN-13: 9780470435397

Category: Teaching - Curricula

Now more portable and easier to navigate!\ Webster's New World Student Writing Handbook, Fifth Edition has been refreshed and updated to give you a more portable and efficient reference for all of your high school and college writing needs!\ From essays to feature articles, from book reports to scripts, you'll get coverage of all thirty-seven types of student writing, good writing principles, subject-specific writing samples, and important considerations for writing and the Internet. You'll...

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Now more portable and easier to navigate! Webster's New World Student Writing Handbook, Fifth Edition has been refreshed and updated to give you a more portable and efficient reference for all of your high school and college writing needs! From essays to feature articles, from book reports to scripts, you'll get coverage of all thirty-seven types of student writing, good writing principles, subject-specific writing samples, and important considerations for writing and the Internet. You'll enjoy updated coverage and improvements including: All-new sections on term papers A sleek interior design that makes content easier to navigate Brand-new coverage of specific considerations when writing for various subjects, including English, social sciences, science, business, and technical subjects Expanded content on job applications, college application essays, special program admission essays, and scholarship essays A companion Web site features concrete examples of the topics covered in each core subject area Acclaimed by fellow students, educators, and parents, Webster's New World Student Writing Handbook is your one-stop reference for writing top-quality essays, term papers, and reports—on any school subject.

Part IBasics of Good Writing5Prewriting6Writing12Good Writing Habits13Writing Sentences14Writing a Paragraph19Writing a Multi-Paragraph Paper24Revising35Sample Revision for Specific Detail41Sample Revision for Unity42Sample Revision for Transition43Sample Revision for Sentence Variety44Sample Revision for Wordiness47Sample Revision for Emphasis48Proofreading49Part IIMethods of Development51Analogy52Sample for English58Sample for Social Sciences59Sample for Science60Sample for Mathematics62Sample Work-Place Writing62Sample Technical Writing64Cause and Effect65Sample for English71Sample for Social Sciences72Sample for Science74Sample for Mathematics76Sample Work-Place Writing77Sample Technical Writing78Classification79Sample for English85Sample for Social Sciences87Sample for Science89Sample Work-Place Writing91Sample Technical Writing93Comparison and Contrast94Sample for English101Sample for Social Sciences103Sample for Science104Sample for Mathematics105Sample Work-Place Writing106Sample Technical Writing108Definition109Sample for English113Sample for Social Sciences114Sample for Science115Sample for Mathematics116Sample Work-Place Writing117Sample Technical Writing117Description118Sample for English123Sample for Social Sciences124Sample for Science126Sample for Mathematics128Sample Work-Place Writing128Sample Technical Writing130Narration131Sample Narration133Opinion135Sample Opinion Paper141Persuasion143Sample for English150Sample for Social Sciences152Sample for Science154Sample Work-Place Writing157Sample Technical Writing158Process Analysis159Sample for English164Sample for Social Sciences165Sample for Science167Sample for Mathematics168Sample Work-Place Writing169Sample Technical Writing171Part IIITypes of Writing173Advertising174Sample Advertising Copy177Analysis178Announcement179Sample Announcement181Argument182Autobiography182Sample Autobiography186Biography189Sample for English195Sample for Social Sciences197Sample for Science198Sample Work-Place Writing200Sample Technical Writing201Book Report203Sample for English208Sample for Social Sciences210Sample for Science213Sample Work-Place Writing215Sample Technical Writing217Character Sketch219Sample Character Sketch224Classified Ad226Sample Classified Ads228Dialogue230Sample Dialogue234Directions235Editorial236E-Mail236Essay239Essay-Question Responses240College-Admissions Application Essays241Sample College-Admissions Application Essay247Contest Essays248Sample Contest Essay249Scholarship Application Essays250Sample Scholarship Application Essay and Analysis251Essay Test Questions251Sample Test Essays and Analyses257Fax257Feature Article258Sample Feature Article262Journal264Lab Report266Letters266Business Letters266Sample Personal Business Letter276Sample Request for Information278Sample Letter of Complaint280Sample Letter to Accompany a Resume282Editorial Letters283Sample Editorial Letter288Social Letters291Sample Social Letter293Literary Analyses294For an Author294Sample Literary Analysis for an Author299For Literary Elements301Sample Literary Analysis for an Image308Sample Literary Analysis for Character309Sample Literary Analysis for a Symbol311For Literary Works316Sample Literary Analysis of a Drama321Sample Literary Analysis for Nonfiction324Sample Literary Analysis of a Novel325Sample Literary Analysis of a Poem328Sample Literary Analysis of a Short Story330Memorandum331Sample Memorandum334Minutes of a Meeting336Sample Minutes339News Article342Sample News Article345Notes347For a Class347Sample Notes for a Class349For a Paper351Sample of Notes for a Paper354Outlines356As a Summary359Sample Outline as a Summary360For a Paper362Sample Outline for a Paper365For a Speech366Sample Outline for a Speech368Paraphrase369Sample Paraphrase371Poetry373Sample Poems375Precis378Sample for English380Sample for Social Sciences381Sample for Science382Sample Work-Place Writing384Sample Technical Writing385Research Paper387Sample MLA Parenthetical Style Paper410Sample MLA Endnote Style Paper420Sample MLA Footnote Style Paper422Sample APA Style Paper425Sample Numbered Bibliography Style Paper430Resume431Sample Resume436Review437Sample Review442Scripts444Drama Scripts444Sample Drama Script450Radio Scripts452Sample Radio Script457Television Scripts459Sample Television Script465Short Answers467Brief Responses468Sample Brief Response471Definitions471Samples of Short Answer Definitions473Lists473Sample List475Short Story475Sample Short Story482Summaries487Synopsis487Sample Synopsis489Technical Report490Sample Technical Report498Part IVGrammar, Usage, and Mechanics519Section AClassification of Words520Parts of Speech520Nouns520Verbs521Adjectives523Adverbs524Prepositions525Parts of the Sentence526Section BUsage528Agreement of Subject and Verb528Pronoun Usage531Adjective and Adverb Usage533Section CPhrases and Clauses534Verbals and Verbal Phrases534Infinitives534Gerunds535Participles536Clauses536Section DPunctuation539Commas539Semicolons541Colons541Other Punctuation542Glossary545Index573