War Slang: American Fighting Words and Phrases Since the Civil War, Second Edition

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Author: Paul Dickson

ISBN-10: 1574887106

ISBN-13: 9781574887105

Category: United States Armed Forces

Paul Dickson, one of the country's leading authorities on American slang, offers the first comprehensive collection of fighting words and wartime phrases Americans have used from the Civil War to the Iraq War. This definitive dictionary, updated and expanded to include the events of September 11 and the war on terrorism, is arranged war by war and reveals military slang at its most colorful, innovative, brutal, and ironic. Dickson also shows how language mirrors the unique experience of each...

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Provides brief but carefully thought-out introductions to each section to define the mood of that historical era.

Introduction: Fire Cakes1Civil and Uncivil Words: War Slang Before the Great War: From the War Between the States Through the War with Spain12World War I: Over there and Over the Top: Terms That Came Up from the Trenches, and Down from the Dogfight353The Many Words of World War II: G.I.'s, Jeeps, Kilroy, and V-Signs from Two Theaters of War1134The Code of the Korean Conflict: A Few Words from World War 2 1/22345Vietnam Vocab: Out of the Jungles of Southeast Asia2596A Gulf Glossary: Grains of "Sandspeak" from the War That Was on Every Channel2987Doomsday's Dictionary: Verbal Fallout from Nukes, the Cold War (1946-1991), and the Puzzle Palace3348Terms for a Time of Terror: New Words for the Post-9/11 World and the Iraq War371Index of Defined Words and Phrases393

\ From the Publisher"An excellent source for insights into the impact of wars on language and popular culture as well as wartime culture in the United States." \ PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION:\ “In capturing the earthly color of the language of the trenches, Paul Dickson has written an A-1 blockbuster of a book.”\ “War Slang is both an invaluable reference and a word lover’s delight.”\ “The author’s brief but carefully thought-out informal introductions to each section help define the flavor of the period.”\ “Paul Dickson is a national treasure who deserves a wide audience.”\ “An excellent compilation.”\ \ \ \