Vorticity, Statistical Mechanics, and Monte Carlo Simulation

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Author: Chjan Lim

ISBN-10: 0387350756

ISBN-13: 9780387350752

Category: Civil Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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This book is drawn from across many active fields of mathematics and physics, and has connections to atmospheric dynamics, spherical codes, graph theory, constrained optimization problems, Markov Chains, and Monte Carlo methods. It addresses how to access interesting, original, and publishable research in statistical modeling of large-scale flows and several related fields. The authors f this book explicitly reach around the major branches of mathematics and physics, showing how the use of a few straightforward approaches can create a cornucopia of intriguing questions and the tools to answer them. In reading this book, the reader will learn how to research a topic and how to understand statistical mechanics treatments of fluid dynamics. Of particular interest should be the application of Monte Carlo methods to problems like dispersal of points on the sphere, the phase transitions of in viscid fluid flows in models that increasingly approach the conditions of actual planetary atmospheres, and the treatment of negative absolute temperatures and the effects these extremely high-energy states have on fluid flows. Special attention is given to spherical models as well.This book is intended for the upper-level undergraduate or the beginning graduate level courses of mathematics and physics. It will also be of interest to readers interested in statistical mechanics methods applied to fluid mechanics problems. Readers will gain an understanding of how to synthesize new mathematics by applying familiar tools in new ways, and develop new tools to fit particular applications.

Introduction     1Statistical Mechanics and Vortex Problems     1Euler's Equation for Inviscid Fluid Flow     4Probability     9Introduction     9Basic Notions     9Random Variables and Distribution Functions     10Expectation Values and Averages     12Variance     15Multiple Variables and Independence     17Limiting Theorems     19Bayesian Probability     25Remarks     26Statistical Mechanics     29Introduction     29Ensembles     29Partition Functions     30Constraints and Chemical Potentials     32Partition Functions by Lagrange Multipliers     34Microstate and Macrostates     35Expectation Values     38Thermodynamics from Z     39Fluctuations     42Applications     44The Monte Carlo Approach     51Introduction     51Microstates and Macrostates     51Markov Chains     53Detailed Balance     55The Metropolis Rule     55MultipleCanonical Constraints     57Ensemble Averages     58Random Number Generation     62Linear Congruence Generators     62Multiple Recursive and Fibonacci Generators     63Add-with-Carry and Subtract-with-Carry Generators     63Inverse Congruential Generators     64Combined Generators     65Spectral Methods     67Introduction     67Inner Products     67Basis Functions     70Minimizers     72Fourier transforms     73Spherical Harmonics     77Discrete Models in Fluids     79Introduction     79Euler's Equations for Fluid Flows     80N-body Hamiltonians     83Symplectic Variables     86Coordinates and Stereographic Projection     89Dynamics on the Plane     91Dynamics on the Sphere     103Remarks     113Spin-Lattice Models     115Introduction     115Spin-lattice Models     116The Lattice Model     117Point Strength     118Normalized Strength      121Negative Temperatures     124Phase Transitions     125Energy-Enstrophy-Circulation Model     127Solution of the Spherical Ising Model for [Characters not reproducible] = 0     128Monte Carlo Simulations     133Introduction     133Correlation Functions     137The Mean Nearest Neighbor Parity     140Distances     157Remarks     159Polyhedra and Ground States     161Introduction     161Face-Splitting Operations     162Centroid Splitting     163Geodesic Splitting     164Noncommutivity     165Polyhedral Families     168Polyhedral Families Versus Vortex Gas     169Pairwise Interaction Energies     170Energy of Split Faces     173Tetrahedron Splittings     174130 Vortices     176Octahedron Splittings     178258 Vortices     180Icosahedron Splittings     182642 Vortices     184Mesh Generation     187Introduction     187The Vortex Gas on the Sphere     188Radial Distribution Function     190Vortex Gas Results     192Rigid Bodies     206Spherical Codes     209Statistical Mechanics for a Vortex Gas     213Introduction     213The Vortex Gas on the Plane     214Trapped Slender Vortex Filaments     219The Discretized Model     222Extremizing E     224Variational Problem on the Radius     226Two-Layer Quasi-Geostrophic Models     233Introduction     233Two-Layer Quasi-Geostrophic Models     233Governing Equations     234Numerical Models     240Numerical Vortex Statistics     241A Coupled Barotropic Flow - Rotating Solid Sphere System     245Introduction     245The Coupled Barotropic Vorticity - Rotating Sphere System     246Physical Quantities of the Coupled Flow - Rotating Sphere Model     247Variational Results     249Energy-Enstrophy Theory for Barotropic Flows     250Non-Rotating Extremals     251Rotating Sphere     253Statistical Mechanics     254Derivation of Spin-Lattice Hamiltonians     254Gaussian Energy-Enstrophy Model     255Spherical Model     256Monte Carlo Simulations of the Spherical Model     257The Vector Spherical Model for Barotropic Statistics     257Remarks     260References     263Index     283