Using Credit Wisely

Library Binding
from $0.00

Author: Cecilia Minden

ISBN-10: 1602790027

ISBN-13: 9781602790025

Category: Business & Careers

Credit cards and other loans offer a convenient way to pay for purchases, and they are a great way to establish a good credit history. If they aren't used responsibly, they can also get you into financial trouble. Read this book to find out how to stay out of debt and use credit as a tool for financial success.

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Credit cards and other loans offer a convenient way to pay for purchases, and they are a great way to establish a good credit history. If they aren't used responsibly, they can also get you into financial trouble. Read this book to find out how to stay out of debt and use credit as a tool for financial success.

What Is Credit?     4Kinds of Credit     8Do the Math: Using a Credit Card     13Do the Math: Installment Loans     17Being Smart about Credit     21Real World Math Challenge Answers     29Glossary     30For More Information     31Index     32About the Author     32