Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City

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Author: Alev Cinar

ISBN-10: 0816648026

ISBN-13: 9780816648023

Category: Social & Cultural History

For millennia, the city stood out against the landscape, walled and compact. This concept of the city was long accepted as adequate for characterizing the urban experience. However, the nature of the city, both real and imagined, has always been more permeable than this model reveals.\  \ The essays in Urban Imaginaries respond to this condition by focusing on how social and physical space is conceived as both indefinite and singular. They emphasize the ways this space is shared and thus...

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For millennia, the city stood out against the landscape, walled and compact. This concept of the city was long accepted as adequate for characterizing the urban experience. However, the nature of the city, both real and imagined, has always been more permeable than this model reveals.   The essays in Urban Imaginaries respond to this condition by focusing on how social and physical space is conceived as both indefinite and singular. They emphasize the ways this space is shared and thus made into urban culture. Urban Imaginaries offers case studies on cities in Brazil, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, and India, as well as in the United States and France, and in doing so blends social, cultural, and political approaches to better understand the contemporary urban experience.   Contributors: Margaret Cohen, Stanford U; Camilla Fojas, De Paul U; Beatriz Jaguaribe, Federal U of Rio de Janeiro; Anthony D. King, SUNY Binghamton; Mark LeVine, U of California, Irvine; Srirupa Roy, U of Massachusetts, Amherst; Seteney Shami, Social Science Research Council; AbdouMaliq Simone, New School U; Maha Yahya; Deniz Yükseker, Koç U, Istanbul.   Alev Çinar is associate professor of political science and public administration at Bilkent University, Turkey. Thomas Bender is university professor of the humanities and history at New York University.

Acknowledgments     ixIntroduction. The City: Experience, Imagination, and Place   Alev Cinar   Thomas Bender     xiBoundaries, Networks, and Cities: Playing and Replaying Diasporas and Histories   Anthony D. King     1The City and Its BoundariesEconomy and Gender in the Urban Borderland: The Public Culture of Laleli, Istanbul   Deniz Yukseker     17Borderlined in the Global City (of Angels)   Camilla Fojas     37Modernity on the Waterfront: The Case of Haussmann's Paris   Margaret Cohen     55Competing Narratives of the City: Contested Inclusions and ExclusionsAssembling Douala: Imagining Forms of Urban Sociality   AbdouMaliq Simone     79Cities without Maps: Favelas and the Aesthetics of Realism   Beatriz Jaguaribe     100Fateful Triangles: Modernity and Its Antinomies in a Mediterranean Port City   Mark LeVine     121The City and the Vision of the NationThe Imagined Community as Urban Reality: The Making of Ankara   Alev Cinar     151Urban Space, National Time, and Postcolonial Difference: The Steel Towns of India   Srirupa Roy     182"Amman Is Not a City": Middle Eastern Cities in Question   Seteney Shami     208Let the Dead Be Dead: Communal Imaginariesand National Narratives in the Post-Civil War Reconstruction of Beirut   Maha Yahya     236Conclusion. Reflections on the Culture of Urban Modernity   Thomas Bender     267Contributors     279Index     281