Unexpected Death in Childhood: A Handbook for Practioners

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Author: Peter Sidebotham

ISBN-10: 0470060956

ISBN-13: 9780470060957

Category: General & Miscellaneous

For families who have experienced the death of a child, their private tragedy is all too often exacerbated by an inappropriate or incompetent professional response. For the professional charged with the responsibility of having to deal with unexpected child deaths, such as a pediatrician, a police officer, or social worker, this title offers guidance on how to respond adequately to this tragic event but also places the subject in a larger social context, examining the history,...

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Unexpected death during childhood is a rare occurrence in the western world.? These deaths may occur as a result of sudden illness, accidents, or through maltreatment.? Whatever the cause, each death is a tragedy for the family and all those involved with them.? Professionals from all the caring agencies have a responsibility to help those families, offering support, investigating the cause of death, providing information, and above all seeking to prevent deaths in the first place. Sadly, the trauma experienced by families is all too often exacerbated by inappropriate or incompetent professional responses.? The devastating consequences of getting it wrong have been clearly highlighted in recent court of appeal cases where previous convictions have been overturned.? Both families and professionals suffer as a result.? In the words of Baroness Helena Kennedy, 'it is every family's right to have their baby's death properly investigated?.? However, this is an area where professionals often feel ill equipped and unprepared.? Unexpected Death in Childhood explores the new guidelines and legislation in the UK that have placed further responsibilities on agencies to work together to review all child deaths and to respond appropriately to unexpected deaths in childhood. It is split into three sections; Understanding Childhood Death, Responding when a child dies and Learning lessons.? The first section provides essential background knowledge on the causes and patterns of childhood death, drawing extensively from the most up to date scientific literature.? Part two provides practitioners with the skills needed to respond to unexpected childhood deaths in a systematic yet sensitive manner.? The final section covers processes needed to learn lessons from childhood deaths.? Various practical tools and protocols are provided as appendices which are also available on the companion website? (insert website address here).? With many professionals finding themselves having to put procedures in place with little training or experience, this handbook is essential in providing practical advice. Unexpected Death in Childhood is part of the NSPCC Wiley series in Safeguarding Children—The Multi-Professional Approach

Foreword. Preface. A note on terminology. Contributors. Acknowledgements. Part 1: Understanding Childhood Death. Chapter 1: A Family’s Journey (Anne Chalmers). Chapter 2: Childhood Deaths in Context (Peter Sidebotham, and Peter Fleming). Chapter 3: Natural Causes of Unexpected Childhood Deaths (Peter Fleming, and Peter Sidebotham). Chapter 4: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Peter Blair). Chapter 5: Deaths from Unintentional Injuries (Jo Sibert, and Peter Sidebotham). Chapter 6: Fatal Child Maltreatment (Peter Sidebotham). Part 2: Responding When a Child Dies. Chapter 7: Responding to Unexpected Child Deaths (Peter Sidebotham, and Peter Fleming). Chapter 8: Police Investigation in Unexpected Childhood Deaths (John Fox). Chapter 9:The Paediatric Post-Mortem Examination (Phil Cox). Chapter 10: Supporting Families (Alison Stewart, and Ann Dent). Part 3: Learning Lessons. Chapter 11: Reviewing Child Deaths (Martin Ward Platt). Chapter 12: Serious Case Reviews (Paul Tudor, and Peter Sidebotham). Appendices. Emergency Department Flowchart and checklist . 1. Emergency Department Flow Chart and Checklist. 2. History Proforma. 3. Physical Examination Proforma. 4. Laboratory Investigations. 5. Scene Examination Proforma. 6. Resources for Bereave Adults. 7. Resources for Professionals. 8. Practical Information for Families. 9. Opportunities to be with Their Child. 10. Creating Footprints, Photographs and Mementoes.. 11. A Framework to Guide Visiting.. 12. Child Bereavement Network Belief Statement.. 13. Local Case Discussion Proforma.. 14. Child Death Review Core Dataset.. 15. CDRT Proforma for Analysis.. 16. Tools for Developing a Child Death Review Team. References. Index. 

\ From the Publisher"It gives practical advice to professionals and can be recommended for specialists in legal medical and specialists from other fields involved in the investigation of these deaths inside and outside the UK." (International Journal of Legal Medicine, September 2008)\ "It gives practical advice to professionals and can be recommended for specialists in legal medicine and specialists from other fields." (International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2008)\ \ \