Two Sides to Every Coin...The Customer Isn't Always Right!

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Author: Naomi Black

ISBN-10: 0975361805

ISBN-13: 9780975361801

Category: Customer Service

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AN INSIDE STORY of CUSTOMER SERVICE "Two Sides To Every Coin" is an intimate, inside look into what retail personnel must face every day when dealing with consumers. Funny and poignant, it explores the depths that consumers will sink to in order to get their way -- and the lengths they will go to when they don't. It challenges the cliché, "The customer is always right" by showing that often, the customer is in fact wrong. It reveals just how hard customers will lean on that phrase to increase their own level of self-importance, while tearing down the level of importance of others. While the book is highly focused on the actions of consumers, it also offers the consumer insight into the different types of retail stores and how their operations run. It touches on specific store policies and the reason for their implementation, and gives the consumer a clearer picture as to why retail stores do not all follow the same guidelines. For many of the associates who work in the industry, it is, finally, a voice. Midwest Book Review "Finally: a guide which comes from an author's knowledge of the retail industry and daily dealings with troublesome customers! Naomi Black's Two Sides To Every Coin is provocatively subtitled "The Customer Isn't Always Right!" - and cogently explains why. Accounts of retail complaints and resolutions pinpoint when the consumer is right and when fair is fair. Two Sides To Every Coin offers guidelines for assessment and problem solving at the retail level, and any involved in customer service will consider it both eye-opening, entertaining and educational (and all too true!)."