Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy

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Author: Avrum Stroll

ISBN-10: 0231112203

ISBN-13: 9780231112208

Category: Philosophical Positions & Movements

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Avrum Stroll investigates the "family resemblances" between that impressive breed of thinkers known as analytic philosophers. In so doing, he grapples with the point and purpose of doing philosophy: What is philosophy? What are its tasks? What kind of information, illumination, and understanding is it supposed to provide if it is not one of the natural sciences? Journal of the History of Philosophy No other book has canvassed the last century as Stroll has, and with such insight. Written with wit and verve, Stroll's book is informative and eloquent.

Acknowledgments1 - The Solera System2 - Philosophical Logic3 - Logical Positivism and the Tractatus4 - G.E. Moore: A Ton of Bricks5 - Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy: "The Stream of Life"6 - Ryle and Austin: The Golden Age of Philosophy7 - W.V.O. Quine8 - Direct Reference Theories9 - Today and Tomorrow References Index