Truth: Engagements Across Philosophical Traditions

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Author: Jose Medina

ISBN-10: 1405115505

ISBN-13: 9781405115506

Category: Major Branches of Philosophical Study

Setting the stage with a selection of readings from important nineteenth century philosophers, this reader on truth puts in conversation some of the main philosophical figures from the twentieth century in the analytic, continental, and pragmatist traditions.\ \ \ Focuses on the value or normativity of truth through exposing the dialogues between different schools of thought\ \ \ Features philosophical figures from the twentieth century in the analytic, continental, and pragmatist...

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Setting the stage with selections from Nietzsche and James, this reader on truth puts in conversation some of the main philosophical figures from the twentieth century in the analytic, continental, and pragmatist traditions.The volume’s central focus is the value or normativity of truth, explored by constructing dialogues between different schools of thought. Topics include the normative relation between truth and subjectivity, consensus, art, testimony, power, and critique. Authors include Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Wittgenstein, Levinas, Arendt, Putnam, Foucault, Rorty, Davidson, Habermas, McDowell, Alcoff, and Derrida.This volume not only captures the most distinctive aspects of the debates on truth in the twentieth century, but also advances the philosophical discussion of truth into the twenty-first.

General introduction11On truth and lies in a nonmoral sense14From The will to power24From Beyond good and evil24From Twilight of the idols252Pragmatism's conception of truth263Truth, subjectivity and communication484Remarks on truth61From On certainty61From Culture and value685Truth and meaning696The face of cognition807Representation, social practice, and truth998Richard Rorty's pragmatic turn1099Towards rehabilitating objectivity13010Notes on relativism14611The truth of hermeneutics168From "The decline of the subject and the problem of testimony"18112Relativism and cultural relativity18213Perception and truth197From "An unpublished text"197From "Cezanne's doubt"203From "Reflection and interrogation"20514The end of the book and the beginning of writing20715Self-evidence and truth235"Relativism in an extended sense"24216On the essence of truth243From "The origin of the work of art"25817Truth of disclosure and truth of testimony26118Word giving, word taking27119Truth and politics29520The discourse on language315From "Truth and power"33321Reclaiming truth33622SelectionsFrom For they know not what they do359From Bodies that matter359From "The power of discourse and the subordination of the feminine"360From "Veiled lips"361From "The precession of the simulacra"361From Cinema 2 : the time-image363

\ From the Publisher“There are no longer two dialogues – analytic and continental. It is all one now, and more complicated than ever. This collection is an indispensable point of entry to the new conversations.” Barry Allen, McMaster University\ “It is virtually impossible to imagine a more useful collection of texts on this thorny philosophical topic. There is no pretense that herein lies the truth about truth, but there is the realization of a set of complex issues illuminated from radically diverse, yet often surprisingly overlapping, perspectives.” Vincent Colapietro, Pennsylvania State University\ \ \