Tradition, Pluralism and Identity: In Honour of T. N. Madan, Vol. 8

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Author: Veena A Das

ISBN-10: 0761993819

ISBN-13: 9780761993810

Category: Indian & South Asian History

The contributions to this volume comprise papers by eminent scholars on a range of themes that have been the focus of T.N. Madan's invaluable contribution to sociological research. They cover topics including the sociology of religion, caste, family and kinship, health care, ethnicity, the Indian Diaspora as well as notions of secularism in the Indian context.

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The contributions to this volume comprise papers by eminent scholars on a range of themes that have been the focus of T.N. Madan's invaluable contribution to sociological research. They cover topics including the sociology of religion, caste, family and kinship, health care, ethnicity, the Indian Diaspora as well as notions of secularism in the Indian context.

Preface71Tradition, pluralism, identity: Framing the issues92The imagined landscape: Patterns in the construction of Hindu sacred geography233Caste and purity: A study in the language of the Dharma literature474Secularism, unicity and diversity: The case of Haracandi's grove755The politics of moral practice in psychotherapy and religious healing956The issue of 'right to food' among the Hindus: Notes and comments1117The female family core explored ethnosociologically1378The diaspora comes home: Disciplining desire in DDLJ1639Indian diaspora, globalisation and multiculturalism: A cultural analysis19510What did Bernier actually say? Profiling the Mughal empire21911Rejecting violence: Sacrifice and the social identity of trading communities24512Caste and politics: The presumption of numbers26713Gifting and receiving: Anglo-Indian charity and its beneficiaries in Madras28314Arabs, Moors and Muslims: Sri Lankan Muslim ethnicity in regional perspective30715Secularism out of its place35916The Babri Masjid and the secular contract38117The twilight of certitudes: Secularism, Hindu nationalism and other masks of deculturation40118Self as other: Amar Singh's diary as reflexive 'native' ethnography421T. N. Madan: A biographical note and bibliography451About the editors and contributors461Index465