Too Fat or Too Thin?: A Reference Guide to Eating Disorders

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Author: Cynthia R. Kalodner

ISBN-10: 1904424856

ISBN-13: 9781904424857

Category: Eating Disorders - Self - Help

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Practical information on eating disorders is presented from both medical and sociological perspectives. Lucy Schall - VOYA This commonsense, practical, and comprehensive volume considers physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects of eating disturbances and disorders. Chapters three and four focus on the two best-known disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The remaining chapters discuss medical care, secondary health problems, disorders education, sociocultural influences fueling disorders, prevention and identification especially within special populations, and possible treatments of eating disturbances and disorders. Within the extensive lists of references and the text, Kalodner includes fiction and nonfiction sources appropriate for teen readers. She cites relevant Web sites and organizations within the text and includes "A Selection of Internet Resources" at the end of Chapter 6. Quotes from Full Lives: Women Who Have Freed Themselves from Food and Weight Obsession (Hall, 1993) introduce each chapter. The appendix reviews the American Psychiatric Association's current treatment recommendations for specific eating disorders. Citing life events as well as dynamics within families, peer groups, and a diet-crazed society as disorder triggers, Kalodner characterizes unhealthy eating as epidemic. The technical level and extensive distinctions within definitions make this reference unlikely for most teenage researchers. Stressing self-acceptance and whole person development, it is a powerful professional tool for therapists, physicians, teachers, counselors, parents, and anyone who deals with a population, not just teenagers, prone to body image problems. 2003, Greenwood, 228p.; Index. Photos. Charts. Biblio. Source Notes. Further Reading. Appendix., PLB. Ages 17 to Adult.

1Introduction12Eating disorders and disturbances : the continuum of eating disturbances193Anorexia nervosa454Bulimia nervosa715Medical care and physical health issues associated with eating disorders996Psycho-education - information about eating disorders and disturbances1157Sociocultural influences : the impact of western culture on eating and body image disturbances1378Prevention and special populations1699Treatment191