Time's Purpled Masquers: Stars and the Afterlife in Renaissance English Literature

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Author: Alastair Fowler

ISBN-10: 0198183402

ISBN-13: 9780198183402

Category: English Literature

Alastair Fowler's fascinating study explores the extraordinary prominence of astronomical imagery in Renaissance literature. He describes the forgotten Renaissance beliefs about stellification, an afterlife in the stars through metamorphosis into stellar or angelic substance. The new astronomy of Copernicus and Brahe, far from working against religious beliefs, encouraged hopes of access to the uncorrupted spheres. Fowler's many-faceted book scrutinizes these ideas—both sacred and...

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Alastair Fowler's fascinating study explores the extraordinary prominence of astronomical imagery in Renaissance literature. He describes the forgotten Renaissance beliefs about stellification, an afterlife in the stars through metamorphosis into stellar or angelic substance. The new astronomy of Copernicus and Brahe, far from working against religious beliefs, encouraged hopes of access to the uncorrupted spheres. Fowler's many-faceted book scrutinizes these ideas—both sacred and scientific—as they manifested in literature, masques, architecture, and the pursuit of fame.

Introduction11Histories of Heaven332Stellar Afterlives593Trumpets and Asterisms874Obelisks and Pyramids107List of References129Index165