Thomas Kuhn's "Linguistic Turn" and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism: Incommensurability, Rationality and the Search for Truth

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Author: Stefano Gattei

ISBN-10: 0754661601

ISBN-13: 9780754661603

Category: European & American Philosophy

"Presenting a critical history of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century, focusing on the transition from logical positivism in its first half to the "new philosophy of science" in its second, Stefano Gattei examines the influence of several key figures, but the main focus of the book are Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper." Kuhn as the central figure of the new philosophy of science, and Popper as a key philosopher of the time who stands outside both traditions. Gattei makes two...

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"Presenting a critical history of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century, focusing on the transition from logical positivism in its first half to the "new philosophy of science" in its second, Stefano Gattei examines the influence of several key figures, but the main focus of the book are Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper." Kuhn as the central figure of the new philosophy of science, and Popper as a key philosopher of the time who stands outside both traditions. Gattei makes two important claims about the development of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century; that Kuhn is much closer to positivism than many have supposed, failing to solve the crisis of neopostivism and that Popper, in responding to the deeper crisis of foundationalism that spans the whole of the Western philosophical tradition, ultimately shows what is untenable in Kuhn's view.

1 Two Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Philosophy of ScienceThe Idol of CertaintyKarl Popper, "Boundary" Philosopher between Neopositivists and New Philosophers of ScienceThe American Adventure of Logical PositivismThe Revolt against Empiricism2 Kuhn and the "New Philosophy of Science"The Early Phase of the DebateLondon 1965: Kuhn versus Popper3 IncommensurabilityDifferent Ways of Understanding IncommensurabilitySome PrecedentsPaul K. Feyerabend and Thomas S. KuhnThe CriticsFeyerabend and the Return to Ontological Issues4 Kuhn's "Linguistic Turn"From Paradigms to LexiconsThe Linguistic Theory of Scientific RevolutionsOpen Issues5 The Shadow of PositivismCarnap and KuhnTruthKuhn and Popper: Clashing MetaphysicsKuhn and the Legacy of Logical PositivismBibliographyIndex