The Writer's Handbook for College and Career

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Author: Cathy Dees

ISBN-10: 0321422872

ISBN-13: 9780321422873

Category: Teaching - Reading

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The Writer’s Handbook for College and Career offers complete coverage of topics expected in a handbook–writing, research, and grammar–that you use through out your college experience, but it goes one step farther and includes instruction and examples that span a range of workplace situations. For example, chapters on argument, design, and presentations discuss fundamental principles but then also explore how usage strategies vary in classroom or workplace settings. You learn practical writing skills you can use to connect the writing you do in college to the writing you do at work.

ContentsPart 1Writing in College and at Work1 Writing in College & Worka. Moving between college and workb. How this book can help2 Purpose and Audiencea. Purposeb. Purpose statementc. Audience3 Planning and Prewritinga. Planning the projectb. Prewritingc. Thesis or goald. Outlining4 Drafting 19a. Writing the draftb. Getting feedback5 Paragraphs & Structurea. Paragraphsb. Transitionsc. Headings and listsd. Development6 Revising & Editinga. Revisingb. Editingc. ProofreadingSample final paperSample final memo7 Argumenta. Making claimsb. Purpose & audiencec. Elements of argumentd. Establishing credibilitye. Sample argumentsSample page from research paperSample memo8 Visual Elementsa. Designb. Visual aidsc. Adding visualsSample memod. Creating Web pages9 Writing with Othersa. Types of collaborationb. Technologies10 Ethical Writinga. Plagiarismb. Ethicsc. Dishonesty11 Presentationsa. Planningb. Draftingc. Coordinating visualsSample PowerPoint slidesd. Overcoming anxietye. PresentingEvaluation form12 Online Communicationa. Email, IM, chat roomsb. Listservs, blogsc. Netiquette13 Technical Communicationa. Purpose, featuresb. Types14 Cultures and Communicationa. Institutionalb. Disciplinary, occupational, professionalc. Ethnic, religiousd. Avoiding offensive languagePart 2Writing in College15 College Reading and Writinga. Enteringb. Contributing16 Online Learninga. Online classroomb. Featuresc. Guidelines for success17 Essaysa. Thesis and developmentb. Personal essayc. Response essaySample response essayd. Critical essaySample critical essaye. Persuasive essay18 Library of Academic Writinga. JournalSample entriesb. SummarySample summaryc. ReviewSample reviewd. ReportSample pagee. Case studySample case studyf. PortfolioSample portfolio cover letterPart 3Writing at Work19 Writing at Worka. Communicationb. Purpose, audiencec. Guidelinesd. Medium, genree. Putting it all together20 Correspondencea. EmailSample emailb. MemoSample memoc. LetterSample letterd. Deciding on the form21 Job Searcha. RésuméSample résuméb. Cover letterSample cover letter22 Library of Workplace Writinga. ReportSample reportsb. ProposalSample proposalc. Executive summary; abstractSample executive summarySample abstractd. AnnouncementSample announcementse. Job descriptionSample descriptionf. Performance evaluationSample evaluation formg. Code of conductSample codeh. Thank you, congratulatory notePart 4Research Strategies23 Research Processa. Purposeb. Audiencec. Narrowing a topicd. Research questione. Preliminary thesisf. Resourcesg. Working bibliographyh. Schedule24 Library and Database Researcha. Accessing resourcesb. Library resourcesc. Online catalogsd. Periodicals, indexes, gov't. documentse. Evaluatingf. Electronic databasesg. Evaluating25 Internet Researcha. Search strategiesb. Search enginesc. Types of sitesd. Evaluating26 Field Researcha. Usesb. Surveys, etc.c. Interviewsd. Ethnographiese. Human subjects’ consent27 Avoiding Plagiarism, Integrating Sourcesa. Plagiarismb. Avoiding plagiarismc. Summarizingd. Paraphrasinge. Quotingf. Synthesizingg. Incorporating visuals28 Drafting and Revising Researcha. Reviewing goalsb. Planning & draftingc. RevisingPart 5MLA Documentation29 MLAa. In-text citationsb. List of Works Citedc. Sample paperPart 6APA Documentation30 APA 274a. Content footnotesb. In-text citationsc. References listd. Sample paperPart 7CMS and CSE Documentation31 CMSa. Endnotes and footnotesb. Bibliographyc. Sample paper32 CSEa. Elements of CSE: two formatsb. In-text citationsc. Referencesd. Sample paperPart 8Grammar33 Basic Grammara. Wordsb. Sentence elementsc. Clauses, phrasesd. Sentence types34 Verbsa. Simple present, pastb. Progressive, perfectc. Lie, lay; sit, setd. Active and passivee. Tense sequencef. Subjunctive mood35 Pronounsa. Forms (case)b. Pronoun problemsc. Who and whom36 Subject-Verb Agreementa. Simple agreementb. Complex agreement37 Adjectives and Adverbsa. Identifyingb. Avoiding confusionc. Comparatives and superlativesPart 9Guidance for Multilingual Writers38 Articles & Noun Clausesa. A, an, theb. Gerunds, infinitivesc. Noun clauses39 Agreementa. With troublesome verbsb. Paired conjunctions, separated subjects + verbsc. Words affecting agreement40 Verbsa. Troublesome formsb. Simple present, present progressivec. Conditionals41 Adjectives and Prepositionsa. Adjectives in a seriesb. Preposition choicePart 10Sentence Problems42 Sentence Fragmentsa. Identifyingb. Revisingc. Partial sentences43 Comma Splices, Fused (Run-on) Sentencesa. Identifyingb. Repairing44 Pronoun Reference and Agreementa. Unclear referenceb. Specific referencec. Who, which, that45 Modifiersa. Misplacedb. Danglingc. Disruptive46 Shiftsa. Person and numberb. Tense, quote, mood, voice47 Mixed and Incomplete Sentencesa. Mixed sentencesb. Incomplete48 Parallelisma. Problemsb. Creating parallelismc. Lists49 Coordination and Subordinationa. Coordinationb. Problemsc. Subordinationd. ProblemsPart 11Clarity and Style50 Conciseness & Claritya. Wordinessb. Clichésc. Clear sentences51 Sexist and Discriminatory Languagea. Sexist languageb. Discriminatory language52 Words and Vocabularya. Diction, purpose, personab. Specialized dictionc. Precise dictiond. Editing dictione. Building vocabularyPart 12Punctuation and Mechanics53 Commasa. Joining sentencesb. Introductory elementsc. Concluding elementsd. Non-essential elementse. Items in a seriesf. Coordinate adjectivesg. Clear meaningh. In writing54 Semicolons and Colonsa. Semicolonsb. Colons55 End Punctuationa. Periodsb. Question marksc. Exclamation point56 Apostrophesa. Possessionb. Contractions and omissions57 Quotation Marksa. Marking quotationsb. Block quotationsc. Dialogued. Titles of short workse. Special uses58 Other Punctuation Marksa. Parenthesesb. Bracketsc. Dashesd. Ellipsese. Slashes59 Capitalizationa. Beginning a sentenceb. Proper nouns and adjectivesc. Titles60 Abbreviationsa. Titles, persons, organizations, numbersb. Inappropriate abbreviations61 Italics (Underlining)a. Conventionsb. Specific termsc. For emphasis62 Hyphensa. Splitting wordsb. Joining words63 Numbersa. Spellingb. Using numeralsc. Conventionsd. Overuse64 Spellinga. Correcting errorsb. ImprovingGlossary of UsageIndex