The World of King Arthur

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Author: Christopher Snyder

ISBN-10: 0500051046

ISBN-13: 9780500051047

Category: Ancient & Medieval Literature

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A beautifully illustrated and informative survey that explores the world of Arthur and the impact of the Arthurian legends on history and the arts.ArthurianaOn any given page, readers will find a feast for the eyes, and for the important and useful study.

I Introduction: Who Was Arthur? Arthur, Myth and Reality8 Sources of Evidence12 An Outline History15 Timeline18 II Background: Britons and Romans Prehistoric Britain22 The Iron Age23 The Roman Conquest of Britain26 The Coming of Christianity28 Late Roman Britain29 III The Age of Arthur (AD 400-600) Tyrants and the End of Roman Britain36 The Historical Evidence38 Inscriptions40 The Archaeological Evidence41 The Peoples of Post-Roman Britain46 The Britons47 The Picts54 The Irish57 The Saxons60 IV The Chronicles of the Britons Patrick and Gildas68 The Welsh Annals72 The History of theBritons76 Geoffrey of Monmouth80 V The Legends of the Britons The Pseudo-Chronicles88 The Welsh Tradition92 The Breton Material99 The French Romances101 The Perceval-Grail Tradition110 The Tristan Tradition116 Arthurian Tradition and the Medieval World118 The Late Medieval English Tradition121 VI Monarchy, Chivalry and the Return of Arthur The Plantagenets128 The Tudors and the Stuarts132 The Victorian Revival137 VII The Quest for Camelot The Historical Arthur146 Merlin and Myrddin154 In Search of the Holy Grail158 VIII Conclusion: an Age of Arthur Modern Arthurian Fiction166 Arthurian Films and Television169 Arthurian Music172 The Once and Future King174 Directory of Organizations178 Glossary179 Gazetteer180 Further Reading182 Internet Resources185 Acknowledgments186 Index188 The Story of Arthur The Isle of the Mighty32 The Birth of Arthur64 Arthur, Leader of Battles74 The Knights of the Round Table78 The Beguiling of Merlin90 Lancelot and Guinevere102 The Quest for the Holy Grail108 Tristan and Isolde114 The Lady of Shalott140 The Battle of Camlann152 The Isle of Avalon162