The Wisdom of Balsekar: The Essence of Enlightenmen from the World's Leading Teacher of Advaita

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Author: Ramesh Balsekar

ISBN-10: 1842930796

ISBN-13: 9781842930793

Category: General & Miscellaneous Hinduism

Retired bank president, golfer, husband, and father doesn't fit the stereotype of an Indian guru—which may account for Ramesh Balsekar's enormous popularity. His background and education, combined with his profound spiritual studies, make him an ideal bridge between East and West, the spiritual and the material. Regarded as the world's greatest living sage, Balsekar is the primary exponent of the teaching of Advaita, which holds that everything is one, that all humanity is an intrinsic part...

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This anthology of the writings of Ramesh Balsekar gives thematic extracts from all of his own written works to date and is approved by the sage himself, as well as his leading disciple, Wayne Liquorman.