The Visual Food Lover's Guide: Includes essential information on how to buy, prepare and store over 1,000 types of food

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Author: QA International

ISBN-10: 0470505591

ISBN-13: 9780470505595

Category: Cooking Fundamentals & Reference

An invaluable guide on how to identify, select, prepare, and store over 1,000 types of food\ Small enough to carry everywhere, but packed with information, this practical and beautifully illustrated full-color guide covers almost every type of food you will find at a supermarket, farmer's market, and specialty food store.\ The Visual Food Lover's Guide gives you\ \ \ Information on buying, storing, and cooking every type of food\ Over 600 color illustrations to help clearly identify foods\...

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Your Handy Guide to Eating Well What does a longan look like? What's the best way to clean a crab? Do you know the difference between a turnip and a rutabaga? Which beef cut do T-bone and porterhouse steaks come from? How long will olive oil keep? Get the answers to these and many more food questions in this indispen- sable, compact guide. The Visual Food Lover's Guide includes:Details on almost every type of food you'll find at a supermarket, farmers' market or specialty food storeOver 600 color illustrations to help you clearly identify foodsTips on selecting, preparing and storing every entryNutritional information for every entry

VEGETABLES - INTRODUCTION. Bulb vegetables. Chive, scallion, leek, shallot, garlic, onion, water chestnut. Root vegetables. Beet, turnip, parsnip, carrot, celeriac, black radish, radish, daikon, rutabaga, malanga, salsify, burdock. Fruit vegetables. Eggplant, avocado, bell pepper, olive, cucumber, winter melon, bitter melon, okra, tomato, tomatillo, squash, dried squash seeds, spaghetti squash, chayote. Leaf vegetables. Spinach, sorrel, nettle, dandelion, purslane, lamb’s lettuce, arugula, cress, radicchio, chicory, endive, lettuce, violet, nasturtium, cabbage, sea kale, collards, kale, salad savoy, Brussels sprout, Chinese cabbage. Stem vegetables. Asparagus, bamboo shoot, cardoon, chard, fennel, fiddlehead, kohlrabi, celery. Tuber vegetables. Cassava, potato, taro, yam, jicama, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, Chinese artichoke. Flower vegetables. Cauliflower, broccoli, broccoli rabe, artichoke. LEGUMES - INTRODUCTION. Bean, lima bean, mung bean, urad, adzuki bean, runner bean, lupine bean, lentil, dolichos bean, broad bean, pea, chickpea, peanut, alfalfa, soybean, soy milk, tofu, okara, tempeh, textured vegetable proteins. FRUITS - INTRODUCTION. Dried fruits, candied fruits, rhubarb. Berries. Currant, blueberry/bilberry, blackberry, raisin, grape, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, winter cherry. Stone fruits. Plum, prune, nectarine, peach, date, cherry, apricot. Pome fruits. Apple, pear, quince, loquat. Citrus fruits. Pomelo, grapefruit, lemon, orange, mandarin, kumquat, lime, citron, bergamot . Tropical fruits. Banana, plantain, durian, jaboticaba, carambola, cherimoya, jackfruit, tamarillo, rambutan, longan, pepino, persimmon, lychee, papaya, pomegranate, kiwifruit, feijoa, jujube, passion fruit, guava, Asian pear, mango, mangosteen, horned melon, sapodilla, prickly pear, fig, pineapple . Melons. Melon, watermelon. NUTS AND SEEDS - INTRODUCTION. Walnut, pecan, cashew, kola nut, coconut, macadamia nut, Brazil nut, pine nut, gingko nut, chestnut, beechnut, hazelnut, sesame, almond, sunflower seed, pistachio. Seaweeds - Introduction. Arame, wakame, kombu, agar-agar, hijiki, kelp, sea lettuce, dulse, Irish moss, spirulina, nori, glasswort. MUSHROOMS - INTRODUCTION. Cultivated mushroom, enoki mushroom, morel, pleurotus mushroom, wood ear mushroom, chanterelle, bolete, shiitake, truffle. CEREALS AND GRAINS- INTRODUCTION, FOOD COMPLEMENTARITY THEORY. Wheat, seitan, buckwheat, oats, barley, millet, rice, wild rice, quinoa, rye, amaranth, triticale, corn, popping corn, bread, flour, pastas, Asian noodles. FISH - INTRODUCTION. Kamaboko. Freshwater fish. Eel, bass, pike, carp, pike-perch, perch, trout. Saltwater Fish. Mullet, bluefish, shad, monkfish, sea bass, sturgeon, caviar, sardine, anchovy, herring, mackerel, gurnard, sea bream, conger, swordfish, goatfish, redfish, salmon, cod, smelt, lamprey, John Dory, shark, tuna, skate. Flat fish. Halibut, sole, turbot, plaice. CRUSTACEANS - INTRODUCTION. Shrimp, crab, scampi, spiny lobster, crayfish, lobster. MOLLUSKS - INTRODUCTION. Abalone, cockle, scallop, clam, mussel, oyster, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, whelk, periwinkle, snail, frog, sea urchin. HERBS, SPICES AND CONDIMENTS - INTRODUCTION. Dill, anise, bay laurel, tarragon, chervil, rosemary, marjoram/oregano, basil, sage, thyme, mint, parsley, clove, allspice, cardamom, nutmeg, savory, lemon balm, lemon grass, caper, coriander/cilantro, cumin, saffron, caraway, juniper berry, borage, angelica, ginger, curry, turmeric, cinnamon, mustard, pepper, fenugreek, chili pepper, horseradish, poppy, tamarind, vanilla, miso, soy sauce, vinegar, salt. MEATS - INTRODUCTION. Beef, veal, pork, lamb, venison, rabbit, ground meat. VARIETY MEATS - INTRODUCTION. Heart, liver, tongue, sweetbread, brains, kidneys, tripe. DELICATESSEN MEATS - INTRODUCTION. Bacon, ham, sausage, andouille, rillettes, foie gras, blood sausage. POULTRY - INTRODUCTION. Turkey, goose, chicken, hen, capon, guinea fowl, pigeon, quail, pheasant, duck, egg. DAIRY PRODUCTS - INTRODUCTION. Milk, goat’s milk, buttermilk, sour cream, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese. SUGARS, COCOA AND CAROB - INTRODUCTION. Sugar, sugar substitutes, honey, maple syrup, carob, cocoa. FATS AND OILS - INTRODUCTION. Margarine, fats, oil. COOKING INGREDIENTS - INTRODUCTION. Arrowroot, baking powder, cream of tartar, baking soda, yeast. COFFEE, TEA AND HERBAL TEAS - INTRODUCTION. Tea, herbal tea, coffee. Glossary. Index.