The Untold Story of Milk, Revised and Updated: The History, Politics and Science of Nature's Perfect Food: Raw Milk from Pasture-Fed Cows

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Author: Ron Schmid

ISBN-10: 0979209528

ISBN-13: 9780979209529

Category: General & Miscellaneous Cooking

The role of raw milk in the rise of civilization, the milk problem that led to compulsory pasteurization, the politics of the dairy industry. Revised and updated with the latest scientific studies documenting the safety and health benefits of raw milk.Raw milk is a movement whose time has come. This book will serve as a catalyst for that movement, providing consumers with the facts and inspiration they need to embrace Nature's perfect food.

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The role of raw milk in the rise of civilization, the milk problem that led to compulsory pasteurization, the politics of the dairy industry. Revised and updated with the latest scientific studies documenting the safety and health benefits of raw milk.Raw milk is a movement whose time has come. This book will serve as a catalyst for that movement, providing consumers with the facts and inspiration they need to embrace Nature's perfect food.

Introduction 1Part I Milk Yesterday1 Milk and Civilization 112 Bovine Friends in Early America 233 Bad Milk: The Distillery Dairies 314 Microbes vs. Milieu: What Really Causes Disease? 435 The Milk Problem, circa 1900: Certify or Pasteurize? 516 Good Medicine: The History of the Milk Cure 757 Enzymes: Essential to Life 878 Milk in the Last Traditional Cultures 117Part II Food, Health and Trust9 Betrayal 14910 Cholesterol, Animal Fats and Heart Disease: A Modern Myth? 175Part III Milk Today11 Industrial Agriculture and Dairy Farming in the 21st Century 20312 Modern Milk: Disasters, Mishaps and Disturbing Reports 22513 Lactose Intolerance and Modern Milk 24314 Milk Homogenization and Heart Disease 24915 The Safety of Raw versus Pasteurized Milk 26316 Raw Milk for Children 32517 The Magic of Fermented Milk 34518 Why Whole, Raw, Grass-Fed Milk is Best 35519 Raw Milk Today: Green Pastures, Contented Cows and Contentious Issues 369Appendix 1 The Legal Status and Availability of Raw Milk Today 411Appendix 2 Preparation of Raw Milk Products 427Appendix 3 Reply to the FDA 433Appendix 4 Resources 443References 447Index 477