The Two Headed Quarter: How to See Through Deceptive Numbers and Save Money on Everything You Buy

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Author: Joseph Ganem

ISBN-10: 0967755131

ISBN-13: 9780967755137

Category: Personal Finance - General & Miscellaneous

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The numbers presented in every sales pitch seem clear, but do the numbers also hide facts the seller does not want you to know? In The Two Headed Quarter, Joseph Ganem provides an account of how a physicist evaluates the numbers in day˜to˜day financial decisions. Seeing numbers through his eyes will surprise you. Like flipping a two˜headed quarter, many of the so˜called deals you make each day are rigged so that no matter which side the coin lands on, you pay.Ganem covers a wide range of topics that touch on almost all aspects of our consumer lives. Whether shopping for items large or small, negotiating a salary, investing in stocks, or planning your retirement, you will want to know how numbers are routinely used to fool you. Useful, informative, and highly entertaining, The Two Headed Quarter exposes everyday consumer deceptions and provides real˜world tips and tactics to 'beat 'em at their own game'.

Preface     xiIntroduction: Deceptive Math: True and False     1Daily DeceptionsShopping: Meaningless Comparisons     9Elements of Deceptive Math     11Comparison Shopping     13Anchoring Effects     19The Negotiation Principle     22Summary     24Advertising the Nonexistent     24Averaging: Numbers In Place of Judgment     27A Class Where All the Children Are Above Average     28Meaningful Averages     30The Numerical Outcome Principle     32Examples of the "Numerical Outcome Principle"     33Summary     43Why I Would Fail Third Grade Math     44Financial Planning: Is it reasonable?     47A Different Way of Planning     48"Fermi Problems"     49Investing in a Business or Job     51Limits and Saturation     54Investing in Stocks     56The Mediocrity Assumption     62Summary     65The Tale of the Quarter Without a Tail     65Charting: Pictures Worth More Than a Thousand Words     69Different Pictures of the Same Data     72Your Tax Dollars     74Charts Not Seen     79Defining the "Deficit"     82Stock Charts     87Summary     93Medical Malpractice: A Two-Headed Quarter?     95IncomeEarning and Saving: The Deceptive Math of Income Growth     101Lines versus Exponentials     103The Doubling Rule     105Fixed Growth Rates     109Growth Not Measured in Dollars     114Integrated Fixed-rate Growth     116Changing the Compounding Interval     125Saturation     128Summary     132Mixing Water and Oil     133Investing: Wealth for the Future     137The Math of Investing     138Inflation     143Effect of Inflation     146The Halving Rule     150The Effective Rate of Return     151Short-Selling     154The Rich Really Do Get Richer     156Realistic Models for Investing     160History's Lessons     167Summary     169Following the Money Trail     170Gambling: The Probability Paradox      173Probabilities for Random Sequences     175The Game of Poker     177The Zenith Radio Data     180The Frequency of Improbable Events     182How long is long enough?     185The "Gambler's Fallacy"     187Probability and Gambling     188Books on Gambling     193Summary     196Music or Noise?     197Risk-Taking: Going Broke to Get Even     201Risk     202Behavioral Finance     204Prospect Theory     205When Bad Bets Are Good     208Insurance     211Mental Accounting     215Summary     218When is a vice a virtue?     220LoansBorrowing: A Numerical Black Box     225A Black Box     226Monthly Payments on a Loan     228Periodic Finance Rates     234Total Cost of a Loan     236Equity Accrual     242Payments on Intermediate-term Loans     251Total Cost of Intermediate-term Loans     255Total Cost of Short-term Loans     258Summary     263Yo-yo Financing      264Evaluating Loans: Phantom Finance Charges     267The Effective Interest Rate     270Introductory Teaser Rates for Credit Cards     272The 0% Percent Financing Scam     275Home Mortgages     27930-year Mortgages     283Accelerated Mortgage Payments     291Bi-weekly Mortgages     299Low Interest Rates versus Low Prices     301Summary     303"We're required to by law."     303Misunderstood MathVoting: Number-Dropping     309The Myth that Precise Means Accurate     311Precision     312Accuracy     317Elections and Laws     320Summary     327Negative Taxation?     328Estimating: The Three Sizes of Numbers     331Number Size     333Scientific Notation     335Language and Scientific Notation     340Reasonable Number Sizes     345Number Size and Risk Analysis     355Summary     360Making Sense of Safety     363Measuring: Is it valid?     365The Signal-to-Noise Ratio     366Signal Averaging     369Correlations and Causes     374Summary     387Metal Legs at the Airport     389Worksheets     392Mathematical Formulas     411Acknowledgments     415Examples Index     417Tables and Figures Index     419Index     421