The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception

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Author: John MacArthur

ISBN-10: 0785262636

ISBN-13: 9780785262633

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

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Right now, Truth is under attack, and much is at stake. Christians are caught in the crossfire of alternative Christian histories, emerging faulty texts, and a cultural push to eliminate absolute Truth altogether. As a result, many churches and Christians have been deceived. Worse still, they propagate the deception that poses itself as Truth! In The Truth War John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God's Truth and anchors Christians in the eternal, immovable promises that are found in His Word. Wesley A. Mills - Library Journal Relying on sound biblical doctrine, MacArthur (editor & compiler, MacArthur Study Bible; Twelve Extraordinary Women) tackles postmodernism and its view of truth. That MacArthur is a conservative Bible-believing fundamentalist Christian is no secret. What may surprise lay readers, however, or those who might dismiss a fundamentalist as an extremist is MacArthur's ability to approach logically and sensibly the concept of truth and the philosophy of postmodernism. He clearly and concisely presents postmodernism's teachings, the faultiness of these teachings, and why Christians should not only be concerned about but also be engaged in a war against them. The war he has in mind is one of ideas, "a battle against false doctrines, evil ideologies, and wrong beliefs." MacArthur's willingness to call certain things false, wrong, and evil reflects his deep conviction and profound belief in an absolute truth, the truth of the Bible. Though at times his arguments are harsh and abrasive, they are always uncompromising and sprinkled with concern and compassion. One need not be a fundamentalist Christian to read and enjoy this book; its well-defined arguments, beliefs, and ideals can benefit anyone. Recommended for all libraries.

Contents Introduction: Why Truth Is Worth Fighting For....................ix1. Can Truth Survive in a Postmodern Society?....................12. Spiritual Warfare: Duty, Danger, and Guaranteed Triumph....................273. Constrained into Conflict: Why We Must Fight for the Faith....................524. Creeping Apostasy: How False Teachers Sneak In....................785. Heresy's Subtlety: Why We Must Remain Vigilant....................976. The Evil of False Teaching: How Error Turns Grace into Licentiousness....................1197. The Assault on Divine Authority: Christ's Lordship Denied....................1448. How to Survive in an Age of Apostasy: Learning from the Lessons of History....................165Appendix: Why Discernment Is Out of Fashion....................185Notes....................216