The Titrillions Of Titan

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Author: D. P. Fields

ISBN-10: 1424166489

ISBN-13: 9781424166480

Category: Science Fiction - Strange & Alien Worlds

Titan: home of the Titrillions; a primitive and benign yet vastly intelligent species. In the Earth year of 2756, Dr. Delian Kratsmer's fianc©, Dr. Jake Payock, set out on a rescue mission to Titan to retrieve the crew of the Cassius 1, who had been lost on the surface for several months after a failed mission to search for possible habitance on the moon. Shortly after Dr. Payock and his crew landed though, a mysterious explosion occurred and they were left for dead. Several more missions...

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Titan: home of the Titrillions; a primitive and benign yet vastly intelligent species. In the Earth year of 2756, Dr. Delian Kratsmer's fianc , Dr. Jake Payock, set out on a rescue mission to Titan to retrieve the crew of the Cassius 1, who had been lost on the surface for several months after a failed mission to search for possible habitance on the moon. Shortly after Dr. Payock and his crew landed though, a mysterious explosion occurred and they were left for dead. Several more missions were sent to the moon in search of a home but all were lost. Now ten years have passed and Dr. Delian Kratsmer and a crew of nine, including her best friend Jeff Kahey and a narcissistic co-commander Varian Starlett, embark on a journey to this moon of mysteries in search of answers to the questions that surround the countless failed missions, a new home and possibly even more.