The Theology of the Book of Revelation

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Author: Richard Bauckham

ISBN-10: 0521356911

ISBN-13: 9780521356916

Category: New Testament Studies

Richard Bauckham expounds the theology of the Book of Revelation: its understanding of God, Christ and the Spirit, the role of the Church in the world, and the hope of the coming of God's universal kingdom. Close attention is paid both to the literary form in which the theology is expressed and to the original context to which the book was addressed. Contrary to many misunderstandings of Revelation, it is shown to be one of the masterpieces of early Christian literature, with much to say to...

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This study is unique in its comprehensive account of the theology of Revelation, and is original in its exposition of the Book's message.

Editor's prefaceList of abbreviations1Reading the Book of Revelation12The One who is and who was and who is to come233The Lamb on the throne544The victory of the Lamb and his followers665The Spirit of prophecy1096The New Jerusalem1267Revelation for today144Further reading165Index167

\ From the Publisher"A thorough reading--and rereading--of this slim volume suggests that Bauckman's hope that it may contribute to the renewal of the doctrine of God in our time may not be in vain, and that the series to which it belongs may likewise contribute to the renewal of biblical theology." M. Eugene Boring, Journal of Religion\ "This volume will take its place alongside the many other outstanding works in this series." Review & Expositor\ \ \