The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook

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Author: Mark Connelly

ISBN-10: 0838405452

ISBN-13: 9780838405451

Category: English Grammar

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This second edition of a text for composition courses includes more material on writing and researching on the Internet, and a new chapter on applying critical thinking and writing skills to images. In addition to a standard presentation of readings, grammar, and the writing process, the text offers strategies for professional writing, conducting research, and analyzing literature. The author is affiliated with Milwaukee Area Technical College. Annotation ©2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Preface. 1. Why Write? Part I: THE RHETORIC. 2. The Writing Process: An Overview. What Is Writing? Writer's Block. E-Writing: Writing online. Web Site: The Writing Process. 3. The Writing Context. What Is Good Writing? The Writer. The Reader. The Discourse Community. The Document. Writings in Context: Lyndon Johnson, Letter to Ho Chi Minh, April 1967. Molly Ivins, A Short Story About the Vietnam War Memorial. E-Writing: Exploring Writing Context Online. Web Site: The Writing Context. 4. Critical Thinking: Seeing With a Writer's Eye. What Is Critical Thinking? Common Errors in Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking Checklist. E-Writing: Exploring Critical Thinking Online. Web Site: Critical Thinking. 5. Prewriting Strategies: Geting Started. What Is Prewriting? Prewriting Strategies. E-Writing: Exploring Prewriting Strategies Online. Web Site: Prewriting Strategies. 6. Developing a Thesis. What Is a Thesis? Elements of a Thesis Statement. Locating the Thesis. Explicit, Evolving, and Implied Theses. E-Writing: Evaluating Thesis Statements Online. Web site: Developing a Thesis. 7. Supporting a Thesis. What Is Support? Strategies for Using Statistics. Documenting Sources. Strategies for Using Evidence: Critical Thinking Checklist. E-Writing: Examining Evidence Online. Web Site: Supporting a Thesis. 8. Organizing Ideas. What Is Organization? Informal and Formal Outlines. Writing Titles and Introductions. Organizing Bodies. Writing Conclusions. Moving from Prewriting to Planning. Planning Checklist. Writing Activity. Strategies for Overcoming Problems in Organization. E-Writing: Evaluating Organization Online. WebSite: Organizing Ideas. 9. Developing Paragraphs. What Are Paragraphs? Paragraph Style. Strategies for Developing Paragraphs. Use Topic Sentences to Organize Supporting Details. Use Modes to Unify Paragraphs. Use Paragraphs to Highlight Transitions. Use Paragraphs to Distinguish Speakers in Dialogue. E-Writing: Examining Paragraph Development Online. Web Site: Organizing Ideas. 10. Writing the First Draft. What Is a First Draft? Avoiding Plagiarism. Making Writing Decisions. Moving from Plan to First Draft. E-Writing: Exploring Writing Decisions Online. Web Site: Writing the First Draft. 11. Revising and Rewriting. What Is Revision? Developing a Revising Style. Revising Elements of the First Draft. Revising the First Draft. E-Writing: Exploring Revision Online. Web Site: Revising. 12. Editing and Proofreading. What Are Editing and Proofreading? E-Writing: Examining Editing Online. Web Site: Editing and Proofreading. 13. Special Writing Contexts. What Are Special Writing Contexts? Collaborative Writing. Online Writing Groups. Writing as the Representative of Others. Broadcasting to Mass Audiences. Writing to Multiple Readers. Giving Oral Presentations. E-Writing: Exploring Special Writing Contexts Online. Web Site: Special Writing Contexts. Part II: THE READER. 14. Becoming a Critical Reader: Reading with a "Writer's Eye". What Is Critical Reading? How to Read With a Writer's Eye. Emily Prager, Our Barbies, Ourselves. Using the Reader. E-Reading: Critical Reading Online. Web Site: Critical Reading. 15. Analyzing Visuals: Seeing with a "Writer's Eye". Photographs, Film, and Video. Perspective and Contrast. Context. Timing and Duplication. Manipulating Images. Gender and Cultural Issues. Perception and Analysis. Graphics. E-Reading: Evaluating Visuals Online. Web Site: Critical Reading. 16. Description: Presenting Impressions. What Is Description? Student Paper: "Cities of the Dead". Suggested Topics for Writing Description. *Jonathan Schell, Letter From Ground Zero (annotated). InfoTrac® E-Readings: Views of September 11th. *Julian E. Barnes, Crosses and Crossroads. *Tarannum Kamlani, My Islamic Roots, My American Home. *Brian Bremmer, September 11 Through a Japanese Lens. Truman Capote, Out There. Chris Hedges, Gaza Diary. *Carl T. Rowan, Unforgettable Miss Bessie. Blending the Modes. E. B. White, Once More to the Lake. Writing Beyond the Classroom. 3M Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Want Ad. Responding to Images. Description Checklist. Web Site: Description. 17. Narration: Relating Events. What Is Narration? Chronology. Student Paper: "Spare Change". Samuel Scudder, Take This Fish and Look at It (annotated). Ramon "Tianguis" Perez, The Fender-Bender. *Nathan McCall, The Lesson. James Dillard, A Doctor's Dilemma. InfoTrac® E-Readings: Who is responsible for the Malpractice Crisis? *Brian McCormick, Most Doctors Say They Practice Defensive Medicine. *Leo Boyle, The Truth About Medical Malpractice. *Carlo Fonseka, To Err Was Fatal. *Alison Frankel, Obsession. Blending the Modes. George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Walter Lord, The Reconstructed Logbook of the Titanic. Responding to Images. Narration Checklist. Web Site: Narration. 18. Example: Presenting Illustrations. What Is Example? Student Paper: "Guerrilla Entrepreneur". Suggested Topic for Writing Example. Strategies for Reading Example, Homeless (annotated). Joe Rodriguez, Mexicans Deserve More Than La Mordida. *Ellen Goodman, The Company Man. InfoTrac® E-Readings: Can Individuals and Nations Serve as Role Models? *Ann Killion, Lance Armstrong a Worthy Role Model. *Yvette Kimm, Black Two-Star General, Major General Gilley a Role Model. *Kofi Annan, Switzerland A Vivid Example of What the United Nations Stands For. M. K. Megan, Malaysia a Role Model, says Yemen. Blending the Modes. Tony Brown, Death of a Dream. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Internal Revenue Service, Qualifying Child of More Than One Person. Responding to Images. Example Checklist. Web Site: Example. 19. Definition: Establishing Meaning. What Is Definition? Student Paper: "Disneyland Dads". Suggested Topics for Writing Definition. Eileen Simpson, Dyslexia (annotated). Janice Castro, with Dan Cook and Cristina Garcia, Spanglish. Jonathan Ritter, The World View of a Computer Hacker. Blending the Modes. *Marie Winn, TV Addiction. InfoTrac® E-Readings: Overcoming TV Addiction. *Robert Kubey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Television Addiction is No Mere Metaphor. *Kay Parish Perkins, How Should Parents Handle a TV Addiction? *Kirsetin Karamarkovich Morello, Think Outside the Box: How to Turn Off the TV and Take Back Your Family Life. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Don Rosenberg, What is Depression? Responding to Images. Definition Checklist. Web Site: Definition. 20. Comparison and Contrast: Indicating Similarities and Differences. What Is Comparison and Contrast? Selecting Topics for Comparison and Contrast Papers. Student Paper: "Parallel States: Israel and Ireland". Suggested Topics for Writing Comparison and Contrast. Yi-Fu Tuan, Chinese Space, American Space (annotated). Bruce Catton, Grant and Lee. William Zinsser, The Transaction. Blending the Modes. *Bharati Mukherjee, Two Ways to Belong to America. InfoTrac® E-Readings: The Immigration Debate. *Mario Cuomo, The American Dream and the Politics of Inclusion: Our Society Must Resist Those Who Would Close Our Doors to Future Immigrants. *Robert J. Bresler, Immigration: The Sleeping Time Bomb. *Joel L. Swerdlow, Changing America. *Christopher Gray, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster. *Robert Samuelson, Can America Assimilate? The Census Shows We're an Immigrant Nation. We Dare Not Become A Swarm of "Minorities". Writing Beyond the Classroom. *Peggy Kenna and Sondra Lacy, Communications Styles: United States and Taiwan. Responding to Images. Comparison and Contrast Checklist. Web Site: Comparison. 21. Process: Explaining How Things Work and Giving Directions. What Is Process? Giving Directions. Student Paper: "Securing Your Home". Suggested Topics for Writing Assignments. *Mortimer Adler, How to Mark a Book (annotated). *Armond Budish, Fender Benders: Do's and Don'ts. Elizabeth Kolbert, Birth of a TV Show: A Drama all Its Own. Davidyne Mayleas, How to Land the Job You Want. InfoTrac® E-Readings: How to Succeed in Job Interviews. A Classic Dilemma. *Frederiksen Bohannon, Making a Good First Impression. Eight Ways Not to Get the Job. *Victoria James and Connie LaMotta, Interview Blunders. Blending The Modes. Malcolm X, My First Conk. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Lucille Treganowan, Cleaning Battery Terminals. Responding to Images. Process Checklist. Web Site: Process. 22. Division and Classification: Separating Into Parts And Rating Categories. What Are Division and Classification? Division. Classification. Strategies for Writing Classification. Student Paper: "Hispanics on Campus". Suggested Topics for Writing Division and Classification. Strategies for Reading and Division and Classification. Russell Baker, The Plot Against People (annotated). John Holt, Three Kinds of Discipline. InfoTrac® E-Readings: When Does Discipline Become Child Abuse? Abuse vs. Discipline. *Beth Brophy, Because I Said So! Parents are Responding to John Rosemond's Tough Love. *Peggy O'Mara, Changing Our Minds About Spanking. *Pamela Gwyn Kripke, 10 Discipline Mistakes Smart Parents Make. *Eda LeShan, Those Perfectly Awful Children. James Austin, Four Kinds of Chance. *Judith Viorst, Friends, Good Friends - Such Good Friends. Blending the Modes. Martin Luther King, Ways of Meeting Oppression. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Black's Law Dictionary. Responding to Images. Division And Classification Checklist. Web Site: Division and Classification. 23. Cause and Effect: Determining Reasons and Measuring Results. What Is Cause and Effect? Student Paper: "Can the Devon be Saved?" Suggested Topics for Writing Cause and Effect. *Maya Angelou, Why Blacks Are Returning to Their Southern Roots (annotated). John Brooks, The Effects of the Telephone. John Taylor Gatto, Why Schools Don't Educate. InfoTrac® E-Readings: Can Public Schools Teach Values? *Burt Solomon, Education Nation. *Gregory A. Valde, Schools Without Soul: Moral Community and Public Schools. *David R. Carlin Jr, Teaching Values in School. Brent Staples, Black Men and Public Space. Gloria Steinem, Words and Change. Blending The Modes. William F. Buckley, Don't Blame Violence on the Tube. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Thomas Jefferson, et al, The Declaration of Independence. Responding to Images. Cause and Effect Checklist. Web Site: Cause and Effect. 24. Argument and Persuasion: Influencing Readers. What Is Argument and Persuasion? Understanding Logic. Persuasion and Audience. Student Paper: "Why a Black Student Union?" Suggested Topics for Writing and Persuasion. Opposing Viewpoints: Ethnic Identity. Armando Rendon, Kiss of Death (annotated). Barbara Ehrenreich, Cultural Baggage. Opposing Viewpoints: The Abuse Difference. Alan M. Dershowitz, The "Abuse Excuse" is Detrimental to the Justice System. Leslie Abramson, The Abuse Defense Balances the Justice System. Opposing Viewpoints: Reparations for Slavery. *Manning Marable, An Idea Whose Time Has Come. *Shelby Steele, A Childish Illusion. InfoTrac® E-readings: The Reparations Debate. *Symposium on Payment of Reparations for the Descendants of Slaves. *Should Government Pay Reparations to the Descendants of Slaves? *Randall Robinson, Yes. *Armstrong Jones, No. *Walter B. Hill, The Ex-Slave Pension Movement. *Ali A. Mazrui, Who Should Pay for Slavery? Blending the Modes. Nat Hentoff, Should This Student Have Been Expelled? Writing Beyond the Classroom. Irish Need Apply. Responding to Images. Argument and Persuasion Checklist. Web Site: Argument and Persuasion. Part III: SPECIAL WRITING SITUATIONS. 25. The Essay Examination. What Are Essay Exams? Sample Questions and Essays. Web Site: The Essay Examination. 26. Writing About Literature. What Is Literature? Questions for Literary Analysis. Writing About Fiction: Wolfgang Borchert, The Bread. Student Essay: "Denial" Writing About Poetry: Edwin Arlington Robinson, Richard Cory. Student Essay: "One Calm Summer Night". Emily Dickinson, My Life Had Stood --A Loaded Gun. Writing About Drama. Clifford Odets, scene from Paradise Lost. Literary Paper Checklist. Web Site: Writing About Literature. 27. Business And Professional Writing. What Are Business and Technical Writing? Résumés and Cover Letters. Cover Letters. Business and Professional Reports. E-Reading: Evaluating Business and Technical Writing Resources Online. Web Site: Business and Technical Writing. Part IV: THE RESEARCH PAPER. 28. Conducting Research. What Is Research? Conducting Research: An Overview. Understand the Scope of the Assignment. Select an Appropriate Topic. Conduct Preliminary Research. Limit the Topic and Develop a Working Thesis. Create a Timeline. Collect and Evaluate Relevant Evidence. E-Research--Using Databases. Selecting and Evaluating Sources. Evaluating Internet Sources Checklist. Primary Research. Research Checklist. Web Site: Research. 29. Writing the Research Paper. What Is a Research Paper? Refine Your Thesis and Develop an Outline. Writing the Research Paper. Guidelines for Using Direct Quotes. Documentation Styles. The MLA Style. Sample Research Paper Using MLA Style: "The Role of Nature in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four". The APA Style. Sample Research Paper Using APA Style: "Feeding Frenzy: Journalism and Justice in the Leopold and Loeb Case". Research Paper Checklist. Web Site: The Research Paper. Part V: GRAMMAR AND HANDBOOK. 30. Grammar. What Is Grammar? Parts of Speech. Phrases and Clauses. Sentences. Grammar Review. Web Site: Grammar. 31. The Handbook. Contents. Sentence Problems. Agreement. Companion Web Site: Agreement Verbs. Pronouns. Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers. Companion Web Site: Modifiers. Adjectives and Adverbs. Companion Web Site: Adjectives and Adverbs. Punctuation. Web Site: Commas. Web Site: Semicolon. Web Site: Quotation Marks. Web Site: Apostrophe. Mechanics. Web Site: Capitalization. Web Site: Spelling. Appendix. Index. *Denotes new to this edition.