The Skinny on Willpower: How to Develop Self-Discipline

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Author: Jim Randel

ISBN-10: 0981893538

ISBN-13: 9780981893532

Category: Business Life & Skills

The Skinny on Willpower is the story of a young couple - each with a goal that requires the development of willpower. Each struggles with their challenge but through trial and error and advice of the moderator, find the\ way to achieve their dreams. \ \ Jim Randel has spent thirty years studying the subjects of willpower and self-discipline. He has read every book or article on the subject, he has listened to all the CDs. He has spoken with the experts. He has interviewed superstars in the...

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The Skinny on Willpower is the story of a young couple - each with a goal that requires the development of willpower. Each struggles with their challenge but through trial and error and advice of the moderator, find theway to achieve their dreams. Jim Randel has spent thirty years studying the subjects of willpower and self-discipline. He has read every book or article on the subject, he has listened to all the CDs. He has spoken with the experts. He has interviewed superstars in the movies and TV, athletics, politics and business. This book is the conclusion of his studies. In a book that can be read in about one hour, the reader will gain an incredibly valuable understanding of how to boost his or her willpower. This book will take you to a new level of insight into why some people are able to achieve their goals and dreams and others are not. The Skinny on Willpower is a review and analysis of the subject of self-discipline . . . the only separation between mediocrity and excellence in one's pursuit.Join others who are following the lives of Billy and Beth - normal in all respects except one: they just happen to be stick people.

the skinny on willpower\ how to develop self-discipline \ \ By JIM RANDEL \ RAND Publishing\ Copyright © 2010 Jim Randel\ All right reserved.\ ISBN: 978-0-9818935-3-2 \ \ \ Introduction\ Willpower - the strength to act, or forbear from acting in the pursuit of a goal - is a critical determinant to success. \ With any goal, there are times when action is needed ("I should go to the gym") and times when forbearance is needed ("I should not have dessert"). What happens between one's thought and one's response is the result of one's willpower, or lack thereof.\ Freud described the mind as "an arena, a sort of tumbling ground, for the struggle of antagonistic impulses," and that's the reason people need willpower. At times, we all find it hard to take appropriate action in the face of competing pressures, impulses or temptations.\ In doing our homework for this book, we read or listened to everything we could find on the subjects of willpower and self-discipline - books, articles and CDs. We spoke with professors and researchers. We spent hours online looking for insight. We interviewed highly successful people - movie and TV celebrities, professional and Olympic athletes, well-known politicians, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and really rich entrepreneurs. Our conclusions are the results of both personal experience and all that we learned from others.\ Our goal is to teach you all that we have learned. We hope that by doing so, we will give you ideas for adapting your behavior in the development of the willpower you may need to achieve your personal goals.\ So get comfortable. Give us about an hour to read about Billy and Beth's struggles with the willpower they need to accomplish their goals. We hope that at the end of your read, you will have a better sense of the topic and will thereby be a little closer to the achievement of your own aspirations.\ (Continues...)\ \ \ \ \ Excerpted from the skinny on willpower by JIM RANDEL Copyright © 2010 by Jim Randel. Excerpted by permission.\ All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.\ Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site. \ \

\ Michael Dunford"The Skinny on Willpower is a five-star book... a quick and compact, easy to read guide to help readers embrace the power of will in their lives ... a must for anyone who wants the best tool in getting anything done in one's life ... ."\ \ \ \ \ Steven Stewart"When I finished this book, I was literally overcome with goosebumps at how simple it all seems to turn things around for the better and to put it in one simple phrase; it just involves a positive mental attitude. I feel like I've been inspired to make a change instantly, but I know that if I just jump right in there, then I've not learned much from this."\ \