The Scott, Foresman Writer

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Author: John E. Ruszkiewicz

ISBN-10: 0205751970

ISBN-13: 9780205751976

Category: English Grammar

Known for its innovative coverage of argument, in its fifth edition the SF Writer continues to offer writers the most innovative support in documentation, visual rhetoric and applying writing beyond the composition classroom. This is the brief handbook that reflects where the field is going, and provides students with the solutions they will use to strengthen their writing in college and beyond.

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Known for its innovative coverage of argument, in its fifth edition the SF Writer continues to offer writers the most innovative support in documentation, visual rhetoric and applying writing beyond the composition classroom. This is the brief handbook that reflects where the field is going, and provides students with the solutions they will use to strengthen their writing in college and beyond.

PART 1 Working as a WriterChapter 1: Writers at Work1a Rhetorical Situations1b Writing About Something1c Writing to Somebody1d Writing for Some Purpose1e Writing in Some GenreChapter 2: Preparing to Write2a Sizing up an Assignment2b Scheduling a ProjectChapter 3: Finding and Focusing a Topic3a Finding a Topic3b Focusing a TopicChapter 4: Making a Commitment4a Offering a Topic Proposal4b Crafting a Thesis SentenceChapter 5: Creating a Structure5a Understanding Patterns of Organization5b Preparing an OutlineChapter 6: Drafting6a Gathering Materials6b Getting Started6c Pacing Yourself6d Evaluating a DraftChapter 7: Revising, Editing, and Proofreading7a Revising Your Draft7b Editing Your Draft7c Proofreading Your Draft7d Working CollaborativelyPART 2 Shaping LanguageChapter 8: Making Choices About Language8a Language and Power8b Levels of Language8c Word Choice8d Civil LanguageChapter 9: The Structure of Sentences9a Sentence Types9b Modifiers9c Phrases9d Clauses9e Building Sentences: Coordination9f Building Sentences: SubordinationChapter 10: The Shape of Sentences10a Using Agent/Action Sentences10b Understanding Parallelism10c Writing Balanced Sentences10d Writing Cumulative SentencesChapter 11: Writing with Style11a Reducing Wordiness11b Using Specific Details11c Varying Sentence Length11d Using Punctuation for EmphasisChapter 12: Shaping Effective Paragraphs12a Focusing Paragraphs With Topic Sentences12b Writing Well-Structured Paragraphs12c Creating Effective Transitions12d Writing Paragraphs That Look Good12e Writing Opening Paragraphs12f Writing Closing ParagraphsPART 3 Presenting Your WritingChapter 13: Designing Effective Documents13a Designing Documents with a Computer13b Laying Out Pages13c Choosing Type13d Adding Charts, Graphs, and Images13e Working with ColorChapter 14: Writing for the Web14a Using Social Media at School14b Participating on Class Web sites14c Writing for Wikis, Blogs, and Web 2.014d Establishing your Online EthosChapter 15: Giving Oral Presentations15a Planning Oral Presentations15b Scripting What You’ll Say15c Preparing Audio and Visual Aids15d Speaking before an AudienceChapter 16: Model Documents16a Formal Letters16b Formal Emails16c Letters of Application16d Résumés16e Job Interviews16f Professional Memos16g Newsletters16h BrochuresPART 4 Writing ArgumentsChapter 17: Reading and Responding Critically17a Reading Critically17b Reacting to What You Read: The Response PaperChapter 18: Strategies of Argument18a Making A Claim18b Presenting Evidence18c Finding Logical Arguments18d Structuring an Argument18e Arguing Fairly18f Avoiding Fallacies of Argument18g An Annotated ArgumentChapter 19: Visual Arguments19a Understanding Visual Arguments19b Creating Visual Arguments19c Using Charts, Tables, and GraphsChapter 20: Writing an Analysis of Literature or Popular Culture20a Approaching Textual Analysis20b Using Sources in Arguments about Literature or Popular Culture20c Developing Arguments on Literature or Popular CulturePART 5 ResearchChapter 21: Doing Research21a Claiming a Topic1 Size up an assignment carefully.2 Browse the library in your topic area.3 Browse electronic resources.4 Review your writing process.21b Planning a Project1 Write a research prospectus.2 Decide how you will handle your research materials.3 Prepare a working bibliography.4 Make copies of printed sources.5 Print or download electronic sources.21c Checking Organization1 Narrow or qualify your claim.2 Test your organization.21d Checking Format1 Pay attention to the format of work you submit.2 Insert tables and figures as needed.3 Be consistent with headings.4 Include all the components your project requires.5 Submit your project professionally.Chapter 22: Finding Information22a Using Information Sources1 Learn about your library.2 Use library catalogs efficiently.3 Locate suitable bibliographies.4 Locate suitable indexes to search the periodical literature.5 Check the Web.6 Consult biographical resources.7 Locate statistics.8 Check news sources.9 Check book, film, and product reviews.10 Consult experts and conduct interviews.22b Searching With Keywords1 Understand how a simple keyword search works.2 Understand the principles of Boolean searching.3 Search by exact phrase.Chapter 23: Evaluating Sources23a Understanding Types of Sources23b Assessing the Quality of Sources1 Consider the authority and reputation of a source.2 Consider timeliness and stability.3 Consider significance and thoroughness.4 Consider bias.5 Consider the integrity of online information.Chapter 24: Using Sources Responsibly24a Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source24b Avoiding Plagiarism1 Give yourself sufficient time to develop projects.2 Have confidence in your own abilities.3 Learn what you need to document.4 Don’t take shortcuts with documentation.5 Don’t copy and paste without giving credit.6 Don’t get involved in collusion.7 Don’t miss the opportunity to learn.Chapter 25: Using Sources and Quotations Effectively25a Selecting Quotations25b Introducing Quotations and Source Materials25c Modifying Quotations1 Tailor your language so that direct quotations fit into the grammar of your sentences.2 Use ellipses to show where you have cut material from direct quotations.PART 6 DocumentationChapter 26: Documenting a Research Paper26a Recognizing Documentation Styles26b Knowing What to Document1 Provide a source for every direct quotation.2 Document all ideas, opinions, facts, and information that cannot be considered common knowledge.3 Document materials that readers might question or wish to explore further.4 Furnish dates, credentials, and other information to assist readers.5 Use links to document electronic sources.6 Use computer programs to document your project.26c Finding Documentation Information (Source Maps)1 For books, check the title and copyright pages for documentation information.2 For scholarly journals, check the cover or contents page for documentation information.3 Check magazines articles for documentation information.4 For newspapers, check the masthead and credits column for documentation information.5 Expect full documentation from the Web sites you use.Chapter 27: MLA Documentation27a Insert in-text notes wherever you use sources in the body of your paper.1 Identify outside sources clearly each time you use them.2 Locate referenced material as precisely as possible.3 Place and punctuate parenthetical citations correctly.27b List all cited sources on a separate “Works Cited” page.27c Sample Research Paper–MLAChapter 28: APA Documentation28a In the body of your paper, place a note for each source you use.1 Identify sources clearly each time you use them.2 Provide page numbers to locate quotations and paraphrased passages.3 Place and punctuate parenthetical notes appropriately.28b On a separate page at the end of your project, list alphabetically every source you have cited.28c Sample Empirical Research Paper–APAChapter 29: CMS Documentation29a How CMS documentation works29b Using CMS footnotes and endnotes1 Insert a raised note number after each cited passage.2 Document a source fully in the first note mentioning it.3 Shorten subsequent notes for sources you’ve already fully documented.4 Use in-text parenthetical notes for numerous citations of one source.29c Formatting CMS footnotes and endnotes29d Formating CMS bibliographies29e Sample literary analysis–CMSPART 7 GrammarChapter 30: Key Grammatical TermsChapter 31: Sentence Errors31a Sentence Fragments31b Intentional Fragments31c Comma Splices31d Run-On SentencesChapter 32: Modifiers32a Misplaced and Dangling Modifying Phrases32b Placement of Adjectives32c Problems with Adjectives32d Absolute Adjectives32e Forms of Adverbs32f Placement Of Adverbs32g Double Negatives32h Comparatives and SuperlativesChapter 33: Subject-Verb Agreement33a Agreement With Singular and Plural Subjects33b Agreement With Indefinite Pronouns33c Agreement With Collective Nouns33d Agreement When the Subject is Hard to IdentifyChapter 34: Verb Tense, Voice, and Mood34a Verb Tenses34b Transitive and Intransitive Verbs34c Verb Forms34d Conditionals34e Active and Passive Voice34f Subjunctive MoodChapter 35: Pronouns35a Pronoun Reference35b Pronoun Agreement35c Pronoun Case35d That, Which, and WhoChapter 36: Suggestions for ESOL Writers36a Common ESOL problem areas36b Verbs36c Modals36d Gerunds and Infinitives36e Prepositional Phrases36f Nouns, Articles, and QuantifiersPART 8 Punctuation and MechanicsChapter 37: End Punctuation37a Periods37b Question Marks37c Exclamation MarksChapter 38: Commas38a Commas to Separate38b Commas To Enclose38c Commas To Connect38d Unnecessary CommasChapter 39: Semicolons and Colons39a Semicolons39b ColonsChapter 40: Quotation Marks and Ellipses40a Quotation Marks40b EllipsesChapter 41: Parentheses and Brackets41a Parentheses41b BracketsChapter 42: Dashes, Hyphens, and Slashes42a Em Dashes42b En Dashes42c Hyphens42d SlashesChapter 43: Italics and Capitalization43a Italics43b CapitalizationChapter 44: Apostrophes, Abbreviations, and Numbers44a Apostrophes44b Abbreviations44c NumbersChapter 45: Spelling45a Spell Checkers45b Spelling Problems45c Dictionary and ThesaurusPart 9: ExercisesPart 10: Glossary of Usage and IndexGlossary of UsageIndexDirectories to MLA and APA Notes–Alphabetical