The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

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Author: Isaac Newton

ISBN-10: 0520088166

ISBN-13: 9780520088160

Category: Mechanical Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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"This new, vastly better translation of the Principia is the perfect work for illustrating how science, at its best, succeeds in turning data into decisive evidence."—George E. Smith, Tufts University"This translation is deeply impressive and will be the definitive version for a century to come. Cohen's guide is up-to-date on matters of Newton scholarship and free from discarded conjectures of the past."—Curtis Wilson, St. John's College London Review of Books Copes ably with puzzles of Newtonian commentary. . .[A] new and handsome edition.

PrefaceA Guide to Newton's Principia1Contents of the Guide3Abbreviations9Ch. 1A Brief History of the Principia11Ch. 2Translating the Principia26Ch. 3Some General Aspects of the Principia43Ch. 4Some Fundamental Concepts of the Principia85Ch. 5Axioms, or the Laws of Motion109Ch. 6The Structure of Book 1128Ch. 7The Structure of Book 2161Ch. 8The Structure of Book 3195Ch. 9The Concluding General Scholium274Ch. 10How to Read the Principia293Ch. 11Conclusion369The Principia (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)371Halley's Ode to Newton379Newton's Preface to the First Edition381Newton's Preface to the Second Edition384Cotes's Preface to the Second Edition385Newton's Preface to the Third Edition400Definitions403Axioms, or the Laws of Motion416Bk. 1The Motion of Bodies431Bk. 2The Motion of Bodies631Bk. 3The System of the World791General Scholium939Contents of the Principia945Index of Names973