The Preposition Book: Practice toward Mastering English Prepositions

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Author: Tom Cole

ISBN-10: 047203166X

ISBN-13: 9780472031665

Category: English language -> Textbooks for foreign speakers

The Preposition Book is intended as a thorough guide and workbook to address students’ questions and misconceptions regarding English prepositions and improve their ability to use prepositions fluently.  The book comprehensively covers prepositions and also provides opportunities to practice many other essential points of English grammar and usage practice.\  \ The Preposition Book is organized by level of difficulty but was written for intermediate-level students.  Many...

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The Preposition Book is intended as a thorough guide and workbook to address students' questions and misconceptions regarding English prepositions and improve their ability to use prepositions fluently. The book comprehensively covers prepositions and also provides opportunities to practice many other essential points of English grammar and usage practice.The Preposition Book is organized by level of difficulty but was written forintermediate-level students. Many exercises are included within each chapter, and Putting It Together and Expansion Exercises are designed to give students even more opportunity to practice. A Comprehensive Test appears at the end of each chapter.

An Important Note Regarding the Organization of the Text     xIntroduction     xiTo the Student     xiTo the Teacher     xiiHow to Learn Using The Preposition Book Software (Preposition Pinball and Other Games)     xiiWhat Is a Preposition?     xviiPrepositions for Daily Life     1Explanations     1One-Word Prepositions: in, on, at with Time     1One-Word Prepositions: in, on, at with Place     2One-Word Prepositions: beside, by, near     6Two-Word Prepositions: next to, close to, far from     7Explanations     5Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: at and to with Smile, Frown, Laugh, Talk, Speak, Sing     13Prepositions with Verbs Indicating Movement: Go, Walk, Drive, Travel, Leave     15Prepositions with Action and Non-Action Verbs: Home, Downtown, Here, There     16Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Go/Come Back, Look For, Look Up, Get Up, Put On, Take Off     20Expansion Exercises for Chapter 1     26Comprehensive Test 1     27Answers to Exercises in Chapter 1     29Prepositions for Daily Life and the Classroom     30Explanations     9One-WordPrepositions: in, at with Cities, Counties, States, Places Smaller than a City, General Locations with Activity, Places with a Visible Line or an Edge     30Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Be from, Come from, Arrive in, on, at, or 0     35Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Listen to     37Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Pay Attention to     37Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Shout at/to, Yell at/to, Holler at/to     39Explanations     14One-Word Prepositions: above, over, under, underneath, beneath, below     42Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Ask, Cost, Charge, Lend (to), Give (to), Send (to), Write (to), Buy (for), Make (for), Borrow from, Introduce to, Explain to, Repeat for, Translate for     44Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: at all     46Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Call On, Go On, Hand In, Hand Back, Tear Up, Kick Out     49Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: for good     50Expansion Exercises for Chapter 2     54Comprehensive Test 2     55Answers to Exercises in Chapter 2     57Prepositions for Relating Objects to One Another and for Simple Narrating     58Explanations     19One-Word Prepositions: of to Show Possession or to Show that One Noun (or Pronoun) Is Part of Another     58Common Preposition/Noun Combinations: Key to, Answer to, Damage to, Injury to     59One-Word Prepositions: for as an Exchange, as a Gift or Favor, as Purpose, as a Planned Part     63Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Absent from, Missing from, Sick of, Tired of, Good at, Bad at     65Explanations     23One-Word Prepositions: before, after, by     68One-Word Prepositions: for, since, until     73Two-Word Prepositions: prior to, subsequent to with Time     79Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Count On, Depend On, Put Off, Call Off, Show Up, Show Off     81Expansion Exercises for Chapter 3     85Comprehensive Test 3     87Answers to Exercises in Chapter 3     89Prepositions for Describing Places and Narrating Life Events     91Explanations     27One-Word Prepositions: around, along, down, through, toward(s), at, across, past, beyond     91Two-Word Prepositions: away from, across from     93Three-Word Prepositions: catty corner from/to     93Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: to or 0 with Compass Directions     97One-Word Prepositions: in the part, on the side, at the end     99One-Word Prepositions: by to Indicate Manner, to Answer a How Question, in Passive Voice     105Explanations     33One-Word Prepositions: in, on, by with Means of Transportation     107Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Recover from, Retire from, Graduate from, Resign from     111Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Get/Be Married to, Get/Be Divorced from, Get/Be Acquainted with, Get/Be Familiar with     111Common Preposition/Noun Combinations: Recovery from, Retirement from, Graduation from, Resignation from, Marriage to, Divorce from, Acquaintance with, Familiarity with     114Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Get Over, Leave Out, Turn On, Turn Off, Pass Away, Pass Out, Come To     118Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: by mistake, by chance, on purpose     123Expansion Exercises for Chapter 4     125Comprehensive Test 4     126Answers to Exercises in Chapter 4     128Prepositions for Viewing the World, Narrating Trips and Vacations, and Describing Emotions     130Explanations     39One-Word Prepositions: on, off as Opposites     130One-Word Prepositions: in, out as Opposites     131Two-Word Prepositions: out of Followed by a Noun     132Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Look Forward to, Look Back on, Take Advantage of, Get Along (with)      136One-Word Prepositions: on with Vacation, Trip, Picnic, and Break     140Explanations     44Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Have to Do with     141Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Be on, Be about, Talk about, Worry about, Think about     143Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Angry at, Mad at, Happy with, Pleased with, Scared of, Afraid of     145Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Get/Be Used to, Get/Be Accustomed to     147Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Composed of, Made of, Made from     154Expansion Exercises for Chapter 5     159Comprehensive Test 5     160Answers to Exercises in Chapter 5     162Prepositions for Cause and Effect and Opinion     163Explanations     49Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: at first     163Common Preposition/Noun Combinations: Effect on     167One-Word Prepositions: up, down     168Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Result in     169Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Object to, Insist on     171Common Preposition/Noun Combinations: Objection to, Insistence on     174Explanations     55Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Make Up, Come About, Bring About/On, Come Across, Find Out     177One-Word Prepositions: between, among     183Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Prefer X to Y, Choose X over Y     184Two-Word Prepositions: because of, due to     185One-Word Prepositions: for, against     187Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Opposed to     187Three-Word Prepositions: in favor of     188Expansion Exercises for Chapter 6     191Comprehensive Test 6     192Answers to Exercises in Chapter 6     194Prepositions for Exemplifying and Comparing/Contrasting     195Explanations     62Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: for example, for instance, to begin with, for one thing     195Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: in fact     203Common Preposition/Adjective Combinations: Different from, Similar to     204Common Preposition/Verb Combinations: Differ from     205One-Word Prepositions: in to Connect a Quality or Quantity to a Related Noun     207Three-Word Prepositions: with respect to, with/in regard to to Connect a Quality to a Related Noun or to Mean about or Having to Do with     212Explanations     68Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: in contrast     214Three-Word Prepositions: in Contrast to, as Opposed to     214One-Word Prepositions: like, unlike     216One-Word Prepositions: despite     219Three-Word Prepositions: in spite of     219Prepositions that Join Other Words to Act as Adverbs: on the one hand, on the other hand     220Two-Word Verbs and Multi-Word Verbs: Take Up, Try Out, Try On, See Off, Take Off     225Expansion Exercises for Chapter 7     230Comprehensive Test 7     232Answers to Exercises in Chapter 7     234Answer Key to Comprehensive Tests     236