The Politics of Everyday Fear

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Author: Brian Massumi

ISBN-10: 0816621632

ISBN-13: 9780816621637

Category: General & Miscellaneous Literary Criticism

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Preface1Everywhere You Want to Be: Introduction to Fear32The Broken Line393Califas414Liberty Net Computer Bulletin Board51Aryan Nations5The Sovereign Police616Testimony657The Game838Back to the Witch859Bodies of Fear: The Films of David Cronenberg11310Good Touches, Bad Touches13911Poison14312Censored17113The Skull of Charlotte Corday18714The Primal Accident21115Two Infinities of Risk22116The Forensic Theater: Memory Plays for the Postmortem Condition22917Shopping Disorders24518Television's Unheimlich Home26919Fear and the Family Sedan28520Telefear: Watching War News307Illustration and Quotation Sources323Contributors327Index331

\ Publishers Weekly - Publisher's Weekly\ Larded with obscurely academic language but including some eclectic offerings, this volume focuses on, as the editor writes, ``the saturation of social spaces by fear.'' In a first section on border experiences, Guillermo Gomez-Pena offers a bilingual performance poem that traces the cultural misunderstandings between Latinos and Anglos, Catholics and Protestants. A section on ``mutations of domination'' includes mass murderer Charles Manson's bizarre, mesmerizing court testimony and a lengthy analysis, by Steven Shaviro, of David Cronenberg's visceral films. In a section on ``dominations of mutation,'' there is an excerpt from Todd Haynes's film script Poison , as well as an absorbing essay by Sandra Buckley on the tortured politics of writing about pornographic Japanese comic books. Other essays take on technological risk, the aberrations of shopping, violence toward women in American television and the anxiety expressed in Australian cinema. Because the book is organized around such a loose theme, its value comes from some components rather than its whole. Massumi teaches in the Graduate Program in Communication at McGill University. (Dec.)\ \