The Penguin Handbook

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Author: Lester Faigley

ISBN-10: 0205559948

ISBN-13: 9780205559947

Category: English Grammar

Expressly created to engage the visual and technological interests of today’s students, The Penguin Handbook revolutionized the way handbooks present information and ideas.\ With a highly visual design, unique coverage of visual rhetoric and visual literacy, superior coverage of technology, and distinctive coverage of writing for different purposes, the first edition established itself as the best-selling handbook to enter the market in fifteen years. The third edition of this extraordinary...

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Expressly created to engage the visual and technological interests of today’s students, The Penguin Handbook revolutionized the way handbooks present information and ideas.With a highly visual design, unique coverage of visual rhetoric and visual literacy, superior coverage of technology, and distinctive coverage of writing for different purposes, the first edition established itself as the best-selling handbook to enter the market in fifteen years. The third edition of this extraordinary handbook with enhanced visual examples and coverage, completely revised and expanded documentation chapters, cutting edge coverage of language issues, and much more.

PART 1 Planning, Drafting, and Revising 1 Think as a Writera Think about the process of communicationb Think about how to persuade othersc Think about your audienced Think about your credibilitye Think about your purposef Think about the complex demands of writing today2 Plan and Drafta Think about the expectations of college readersb Establish your goalsc Explore your topicd Write a working thesise Plan a strategyf Compose a draftg Write as a member of a team3 Compose Paragraphsa Focus your paragraphsb Organize your paragraphsc Make your paragraphs coherentd Consider paragraph lengthe Link across paragraphsf Write effective beginning and ending paragraphs4 Rewrite, Edit, and Proofreada Switch from writer to readerb Learn strategies for rewritingc Respond to other writers’ draftsd Edit for particular goalse Proofread carefullyf Learn to edit the writing of othersPART 2 Writing for Different Purposes 5 Read and View with a Critical Eyea Become a critical readerb Read activelyc Recognize verbal fallaciesd Become a critical viewere Recognize visual fallacies6 Write to Analyzea Understand the goal of a rhetorical analysisb Analyze the context and the textc Organize and write a rhetorical analysisd Sample rhetorical analysise Analyze images and other visual texts7 Write to Reflecta Find a reflective topicb Identify a focusc Organize and write a reflectiond Sample reflective essay8 Write to Informa Find an informative topicb Narrow your topic and write a thesisc Organize and write an informative essayd Sample informative essay9 Write Argumentsa Position arguments and proposal argumentsb Find an arguable topicc Make an arguable claimd Organize and write a position argumente Sample position argumentf Organize and write a proposal argumentg Sample proposal argumentsPART 3 Writing in the Disciplines 10 Learn to Write in Academic Disciplinesa Become an academic writerb What counts as evidence in the disciplines?11 Write in Specific Genresa Write an essay examb Write an observationc Write a case studyd Write a lab reporte Write a letter of applicationf Write a résumé12 Write about Literaturea Become a critical reader of literatureb Develop an interpretationc Write a literary analysisd Sample literary analysisPART 4 Designing and Presenting 13 Communicate with Words, Images, and Graphicsa Write in multimediab Think about verbal and visual relationshipsc Know where images and graphics work bestd Know where words work best14 Design for Print and the Screena Start with your readersb Design pagesc Choose typed Compose imagese Edit imagesf Create tables, charts, and graphsg Design a Web site15 Design Presentationsa Plan a presentationb Design visuals for a presentationc Deliver an effective presentationPART 5 Researching 16 Plan Your Researcha Analyze the research taskb Find a topicc Determine what kind of research you needd Draft a working thesise Start a working bibliography17 Find and Evaluate Sources in Databasesa Know the strengths of database sourcesb Find information in databasesc Construct effective database searchesd Evaluate database sourcese Locate elements of a citation in database sources18 Find and Evaluate Sources on the Weba Know the strengths and weaknesses of Web sourcesb Find reliable Web sourcesc Construct effective Web searchesd Find visual sources onlinee Evaluate Web sourcesf Locate elements of a citation in Web sources19 Find and Evaluate Print Sourcesa Know the strengths of print sourcesb Find booksc Find journal articlesd Evaluate print sourcese Locate elements of a citation in print sources20 Plan Field Researcha Know what you can obtain from field researchb Conduct interviewsc Administer surveysd Make observations21 Incorporate Sources and Avoid Plagiarisma Understand the purposes of sourcesb Incorporate sourcesc Avoid plagiarismd Quote sources without plagiarizinge Summarize and paraphrase sources without plagiarizing22 Write and Revise the Research Projecta Revisit your researchb Plan your organizationc Write a draftd Select and introduce quotationse Review your draftf Revise, revise, revisePART 6 Documenting Five Steps for Documenting Sources1 Which documentation style do I use?2 What kind of source am I using?3 When do I cite sources?4 How do I cite a source in my paper?5 How do I cite sources at the end of my paper?23 MLA Documentationa In-text citations in MLA styleb Books in MLA-style works citedc Journals and magazinesd Newspaperse Government documents, pamphlets, dissertations, and lettersf Library database publicationsg Online publicationsh CD-ROM, software, and unedited online sourcesi Visual sourcesj Multimedia sourcesk Informational notesl Sample research paper with MLA documentation24 APA Documentationa In-text citations in APA styleb Books and nonperiodical sources in the APA-style references listc Periodical sourcesd Online sourcese Visual, computer, and multimedia sourcesf Sample research paper with APA documentation25 CMS Documentationa Books and nonperiodical sources in CMS-style citationsb Periodical sourcesc Online and computer sourcesd Multimedia sourcese Sample pages with CMS documentation26 CSE Documentationa In-text references in CSE styleb Books and nonperiodical sources in CSE-style referencesc Periodical sourcesd Online sourcese Sample pages with CSE documentationPART 7 Effective Style and Language 27 Write with Powera Pay attention to verbsb Stay activec Find agentsd Vary your sentencese Give your writing personality28 Write Conciselya Eliminate unnecessary wordsb Reduce wordy phrasesc Simplify tangled sentences29 Write with Emphasisa Manage emphasis in sentencesb Forge links across sentencesc Use parallel structure with parallel ideasd Use parallel structure with listse Use parallel structure in paragraphs30 Find the Right Wordsa Be aware of levels of formalityb Be aware of denotation and connotationc Use specific languaged Use effective figurative language31 Write to Be Inclusivea Be aware of stereotypesb Be inclusive about genderc Be inclusive about race and ethnicityd Be inclusive about other differencese Recognize international varieties of EnglishPART 8 Understanding Grammar 32 Grammar Basicsa Sentence basicsb Word classesc Clausesd Phrasese Sentence types33 Fragments, Run-ons, and Comma Splicesa Fragmentsb Run-on sentencesc Comma splices34 Subject-Verb Agreementa Agreement in the present tenseb Singular and plural subjectsc Indefinite pronouns as subjectsd Collective nouns as subjectse Inverted word orderf Amounts, numbers, and pairs35 Verbsa Basic verb formsb Irregular verbsc Transitive and intransitive verbsd Shifts in tensee Shifts in mood36 Pronounsa Pronoun caseb Pronoun agreementc Problems with pronouns and genderd Vague reference37 Modifiersa Choose the correct modifierb Place adjectives carefullyc Place adverbs carefullyd Revise disruptive modifierse Revise dangling modifiersPART 9 Understanding Punctuation and Mechanics 38 Commasa Commas with introductory elementsb Commas with compound clausesc Commas with nonrestrictive modifiersd Commas with items in a seriese Commas with coordinate adjectivesf Commas with quotationsg Commas with dates, numbers, titles, and addressesh Commas to avoid confusioni Unnecessary commas39 Semicolons and Colonsa Semicolons with closely related main clausesb Semicolons together with commasc Colons in sentencesd Colons with lists40 Hyphensa Hyphens with compound modifiersb Hyphens with compound nounsc Hyphens that divide words at the ends of linesd Hyphens for clarity41 Dashes and Parenthesesa Dashes and parentheses versus commasb Dashes and parentheses to set off informationc Other punctuation with parenthesesd Other punctuation with dashes42 Apostrophesa Possessivesb Contractions and omitted lettersc Plurals of letters, symbols, and words referred to as words43 Quotation Marksa Direct quotationsb Titles of short worksc Other uses of quotation marksd Misuses of quotation markse Other punctuation with quotation marks44 Other Punctuation Marksa Periodsb Question marksc Exclamation pointsd Bracketse Ellipsesf Slashes45 Write with Accurate Spellinga Know the limitations of spelling checkersb Distinguish homonymsc Learn spelling rules46 Capitalization and Italicsa Capital lettersb Italics47 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Numbersa Abbreviationsb Acronymsc NumbersPART 10 If English Is Not Your First Language 48 Write in a Second Languagea Understand the demands of writing in a second languageb Use your native language as a resourcec Use dictionariesd Understand English idioms49 Nouns, Articles, and Prepositionsa Kinds of nounsb Count and noncount nounsc Singular and plural formsd Articlese Prepositions50 Verbsa Types of verbsb Be verbsc Modal auxiliary verbsd Verbs and infinitivese Verbs and -ing verbalsf Conditional sentencesg Participial adjectivesh Phrasal verbs51 English Sentence Structurea Subjectsb English word orderc Placement of modifiers Glossary of Grammatical Terms and Usage Index