The New Century Handbook (MyCompLab Series)

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Author: Christine A. Hult

ISBN-10: 0205744125

ISBN-13: 9780205744121

Category: English Grammar

The New Century, Fifth Edition, provides the answers today's students need as writers and researchers in a digital age. From databases to social networking, this handbook shows students how to use technologies to make appropriate rhetorical choices and to become more successful college writers in all of their courses, while also providing clear, comprehensive coverage of handbook basics—writing, grammar and usage, research, and documentation.

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The New Century, Fifth Edition, provides the answers today's students need as writers and researchers in a digital age. From databases to social networking, this handbook shows students how to use technologies to make appropriate rhetorical choices and to become more successful college writers in all of their courses, while also providing clear, comprehensive coverage of handbook basics—writing, grammar and usage, research, and documentation. Booknews A guide to writing, research, and grammar. Incorporates awareness of and instruction on the benefits of computer technology to the writing and research processes. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

1 WRITING IN A DIGITAL AGE1 Saying What You Mean to Say in a Digital World a Why do we write?b How important is writing to success in college and beyond?c How do we communicate effectively?d How does technology make a difference to our writing?e How can this handbook help you succeed as a writer?2 Critical Reading and Viewinga Think criticallyb Read actively and criticallyc View images actively and critically3 Planning and Drafting a An overview of the writing processb Experiment and explorec Invent and prewrited Gather information but avoid plagiarisme Plan and organizef Compose a draftg Collaborateh student sample Draft4 Formulating Argumentsa Formulate an arguable thesisb Consider your purpose and audiencec Consider the genred Generate good supporting evidenceStudent sample Argument papere Take note of evidence for alternative viewsf Develop and test your main pointsg Build a compelling caseh Avoid logical and emotional fallaciesi Structure the argumentj Electronic argumentk Visual argument5 Structuring ParagraphsaWrite unified paragraphsbWrite coherent paragraphs with clear patterns of organizationcWrite coherent paragraphs with sentence-linking techniquesd Be consistent with verb tense, person and numbereUse parallelism to make sentences coherentfDecide on appropriate paragraph lengthg Link paragraphs together with key wordsh Construct effective introductory and concluding paragraphs6 Rewriting a Shift from writer to readerb Revisec Editd Proofreade Give and receive feedback electronicallyf student sample Final paper2 RESEARCH7 The Research Projecta Become a researcherb Make a schedulec Create a research notebookd Create a working bibliographye Gather additional background informationf Conduct focused research8 Using the Internet for Researcha Use Internet sources throughout the research processb Get to know the Internet and the Webc Search the Internet and the Webd Student samples Searches of the Internet and library databases9 Evaluating Electronic and Print Sourcesa Choose legitimate sourcesb Student sample A student's evaluation of Web links10 Using Sources and Avoiding PlagiarismaUse sources responsiblybAvoid plagiarism when you use sourcescParaphrase sources accuratelyd Student sample Avoid plagiarism when using Internet sourceseSummarize sources brieflyfAvoid plagiarism when you summarizeg Quote sources sparinglyh Avoid plagiarism when you quote11 Writing the Research Papera Review your rhetorical stance and thesis.b Plan a structurec Write a draftd Review and revise the drafte Follow formatting conventionsf Student sample Review an annotated student research paper12 MLA Documentation Stylea Document using mla styleA directory to mla styleb Electronic media in mla style13 APA Documentation Stylea Document using apa styleA directory to apa styleb Electronic media in apa style14 CMS and CSE Documentation Styles a Document using the Chicago Manual of Style (cms)a directory to cms styleb Document using cse styleA directory to cse style3 WRITING IN THE DISCIPLINES15 Writing in the Disciplinesa Disciplinary researchb Disciplinary discourse16 Writing in the Humanitiesa Know the different types of writing in the humanitiesb Write interpretively or analytically about literaturec Review some model student papersStudent sample (MLA)Literary interpretationStudent sample (MLA)Literary analysisd Look to the Internet and library for resourcesA directory of resources for the humanities17 Writing in the Natural Sciencesa Know the different types of writing in the natural sciencesb Write objectively about sciencec Student sample (CSE) Research reportd Look to the Internet and library for resourcesA directory of resources for the sciences and technology18 Writing in the Social SciencesaKnow the different types of writing in the social sciencesbWrite persuasively about social sciencec Student sample (APA) Research reportd Look to the Internet and library for resourcesA directory of resources for the social sciences4 DOCUMENT DESIGN19 The Basics of Good Designa Follow the three basic design principlesb Use formatting toolsc Use graphicsd The ethics of downloading imagese Respect different norms and preferences20 Designing Specific Documentsa Produce a simple brochureb Produce a simple newsletterc Generate a basic design for the Webd Plan your Web documente Write your Web document5 WRITING FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES21 Electronic Communicationa The rhetoric of etoolsb Use email effectivelyc Use online networks effectivelyd Use instant communications effectivelye Use Web course tools effectively22 Business Correspondence and Reportsa Write concise and professional business lettersb Write specifically tailored letters of applicationc Write densely but appropriately packed résumésd Write clearly organized reportse Write focused memos5 Student samples23 Oral Presentations Using PowerPoint and Other Toolsa Prepare thoroughlyb Select visual aids carefullyc Design overhead transparenciesd Use PowerPoint effectivelye Practice, practice, practicef Speak with enthusiasm and focus24 Essay Examsa Prepare for an essay examb Attend to the writing processc Student samples Responses to an essay exam question25 Writing Portfoliosa Learn about portfoliosb Develop a writing portfolioc Prepare the final portfoliod Student sample Reflective cover letter6 SENTENCE GRAMMAR26 Sentence StructureaLearn to identify parts of speechbLearn to identify basic sentence patternscLearn to expand sentencesd Learn how to classify sentences27 Pronoun Casea Subjects and subject complements (I, he, she, they, who)b Objects (me, him, her, them, whom)c In compound constructionsd Who or whome Possessive adjectives and pronounsf In comparisons28 Verbsa Regular verb formsb Common irregular verb formsc Auxiliary verbsd Tensese Sequence of tensesf Transitive and intransitive verbs: sit/set, lie/lay, rise/ raiseg Active and passive voiceh Mood29 Agreementa Plural and singular subjects and verbsb Modified subjectsc Compound subjectsd Subjects joined by or or nore Indefinite pronounsf Collective nounsg Nouns with plural form but singular meaningh Linking verbsi With there or here and to be30 Adjectives and Adverbsa Adjectivesb Overuse of nouns as modifiersc Adverbsd Good and well or bad and badlye Comparative and superlative forms7 CORRECT SENTENCES31 Sentence FragmentsaMake sentences grammatically completebConnect dependent clausescConnect phrasesd Use sentence fragments only for special effect32 Comma Splices and Run-On Sentencesa Turn one clause into a subordinate clausebSeparate clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunctioncSeparate independent clauses with a semicolond Separate independent clauses with a period33 Pronoun Reference and Agreementa Noun antecedentsb This, that, which, and itc Mixed uses of itd That, which, and whoe Agreementf Sexist pronouns34 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiersa Positioning modifiersb Avoid ambiguityc Placement of lengthy modifiersd Disruptive modifierse Dangling modifiers35 Faulty Shiftsa Person and numberb Verb tense, mood, subject, and voicec Toned Mixed constructionse Subjects and predicatesf Direct and indirect discourse8 EFFECTIVE SENTENCES36 Clarity and Concisenessa Lengthb Repetition and redundancyc Expletivesd Passive voicee Wordinessf Noun-heavy styleg Express your meaning preciselyh That to clarify sentence structurei Comparisonsj Multiple negation37 Coordination and Subordinationa Combine closely related sentencesb Coordinate related sentencesc Subordinate less important ideas38 Parallelisma Parallel content in parallel formb Lists and seriesc With correlative conjunctionsd For comparisons or contrastse Make parallel constructions complete and clearf Enhance coherence39 EmphasisaEnd-weightbSelective repetitioncContrastd Careful word choice40 Varietya LengthbStructurecRepetitiond Different standards and purposes9 STYLE AND USAGE41 Choosing the Right Wordsa Denotationb Connotationc Level of formalityd Jargon, slang, or dialecte Pretentiousnessf Figurative language42 Language And Powera “Correctness”b Language and identityc Genderd Race and ethnicitye Agef Other differences43 Building a Powerful Vocabularya Roots, prefixes, and suffixesb Denotations and connotationsc Related words44 Using a Thesaurus and a Dictionarya A thesaurus to find the exact wordb A dictionary to learn about words45 Spellinga Spell checkerb HomophonesA directory of homophonescCommon spelling errorsd General spelling rules and patterns10 PUNCTUATION46 End PunctuationThe periodThe question markThe exclamation point47 The Commaa After an introductory phrase or clauseb To separate independent clausesc Between items in a seriesd To separate coordinate adjectivese To set off nonessential elementsf To set off conjunctive adverbsg With dates, place names and addresses, titles and degrees, and numbersh With speaker tagsi With markers of direct addressj Misuse of commas48 The SemicolonaWith independent clausesbWith a conjunctive adverbcIn a series with internal punctuationd Placemente Common semicolon errors49 The Colona To introduce a list or an appositiveb To set off a second independent clausec To introduce a quotationd In titlese In business correspondencef In numbers and addresses50 The ApostropheaTo indicate possessionbTo indicate contractions and omitted letterscTo mark plural formsd Misusing the apostrophe51 Quotation Marks a For exact direct quotationsb To suggest skepticismc To indicate shifts in registerd With titles of short workse Standard punctuation practice52 Other Punctuation Marks ParenthesesDashesBracketsEllipsesSlashes11 MECHANICS53 Capital Letters and Italics54 Abbreviations and Numbers55 The Hyphena Compoundsb In adjectives before nounsc In spelled-out fractions and numbersd To avoid ambiguity and awkward spellingse For end-of-line word division12 ESL ISSUES56 Tips on Nouns and Articles57 Tips on VerbsPhrasal verbsVerb complementsVerbs of stateModal auxiliary verbsConditional sentences58 Tips on VocabularyGlossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical TermsGlossary of UsageIndex

\ BooknewsA guide to writing, research, and grammar. Incorporates awareness of and instruction on the benefits of computer technology to the writing and research processes. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.\ \