The NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysis

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Author: Robert D. Port

ISBN-10: 0070458731

ISBN-13: 9780070458734

Category: Mechanical Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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This book illustrates and explains virtually all common failure modes which adversely affect boiler reliability. Each failure mode is well illustrated with case histories. The corrective steps necessary to reduce or eliminate each failure type,as well as precautionary notes,are provided. The book is a comprehensive,authoritative field guide for the identification and elimination of boilure failures. Boilers of virtually all pressures and many construction designs are presented. Naval Engineers Journal NALCO has a wealth of experience in the field of boiler failure analysis and boiler chemistry requirements. This experience has been well organized and documented in this book.

Water-Formed and Steam-Formed Deposits.Long-Term Overheating.Short-Term Overheating.Caustic Corrosion.Chelate Corrosion.Low pH Corrosion During Service.Low pH Corrosion During Acid Cleaning.Oxygen Corrosion. Fire-Side Corrosion.Oil Ash Corrosion.Coal Ash Corrosion.Waterfall Corrosion.Cold End Corrosion.Dewpoint Corrosion.Hydrogen Damage.Corrosion Fatigue Cracking.Stress Corrosion Cracking.Erosion.Cavitation.Forming Defects.Welding Defects.Material Deficiency.Graphitic Corrosion.Dealloying.