The Meaning of Truth (Great Books in Philosophy)

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Author: William James

ISBN-10: 1573921386

ISBN-13: 9781573921381

Category: Major Branches of Philosophical Study

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In this sequel to Pragmatism, one of America's outstanding philosophers, William James (1842-1910), responds to absolutist critics - believers in immutable truth and innate or inherited knowledge - who misrepresent the philosophy of pragmatism as just another form of positivism or regard it as mere egoistic solipsism. Objective truth exists, James argues, but it can be known only in terms of experience; truth isn't "out there" waiting to be discovered. And knowledge derives from a process of inquiry in which a chain of mental and physical intermediates connects thought and things.

IThe Function of Cognition1IIThe Tigers in India43IIIHumanism and Truth51IVThe Relation between Knower and Known102VThe Essence of Humanism121VIA Word More about Truth136VIIProfessor Pratt on Truth162VIIIThe Pragmatist Account of Truth and its Misunderstanders180IXThe Meaning of the Word Truth217XThe Existence of Julius Caesar221XIThe Absolute and the Strenuous Life226XIIProfessor Hebert on Pragmatism230XIIIAbstractionism and 'Relativismus'246XIVTwo English Critics272XVA Dialogue287