The Low Countries in the Sixteenth Century: Erasmus, Religion and Politics, Trade and Finance

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Author: James D. Tracy

ISBN-10: 0860789551

ISBN-13: 9780860789550

Category: General & Miscellaneous European History

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IErasmus becomes a GermanIIAgainst the 'barbarians' : the young Erasmus and his humanist contemporariesIIIErasmus and the Arians : remarks on the consensus EcclesiaeIVTwo Erasmuses, two Luthers : Erasmus' strategy in defense of De Libero ArbitrioVErasmus among the postmodernists : dissimulatio, bonae literae, and docta pietas revisitedVIHeresy law and centralization under Mary of Hungary : conflict between the Council of Holland and the central government over the enforcement of Charles V's placardsVIIA premature counter-Reformation : the Dirkist government of Amsterdam, 1538-1578VIIIWith and without the counter-Reformation : the Catholic Church in the Spanish Netherlands and the Dutch Republic, 1580-1650IXLords, peasants, and the introduction of Calvinist preaching in Holland's Noorder-KwartierXHabsburg grain policy and Amsterdam politics : the career of Sheriff Willem Dirkszoon Baerdes, 1542-1566XIThe taxation system of the county of Holland during the reigns of Charles V and Philip II, 1519-1566XIIHerring wars : the Habsburg Netherlands and the struggle for control of the North Sea, ca. 1520-1560XIIIAsian despotism? : Mughal government as seen from the Dutch East India Company factory in SuratXIVCharles V, his bankers, and their demands