The Longwood Guide to Writing

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Author: Ronald F. Lunsford

ISBN-10: 0205553761

ISBN-13: 9780205553761

Category: English Grammar

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Reflecting the author's fifty years of combined teaching experience, The Longwood Guide to Writing is among the most accessible, up-to-date, and authoritative aims-based rhetorics on the market.

PrefaceI. STRATEGIES FOR THE WRITING PROCESS.Why Write?How Does Writing Happen?Stages in the Writing ProcessWriting and ReadingComputers and Writing1. Invention: Finding Something to SayFinding TopicsWriting about an Assigned TopicExploring TopicsFinding InformationSample Student Process–PrewritingFrom Inventing to Drafting2. Shaping an EssayInitial Shaping StrategiesSample Student Process–Discovery DraftDeveloping an Essay's StructureElements of an Essay3. RevisingRevising StrategiesWriter's Notebook: Responding to Readers' CommentsEditing StrategiesWriting a Self-AssessmentSample Student Process–RevisionMarisol Vargas, Mirror Image4. Responding to ReadingsSample ReadingLee K. Abbott, The True Story of Why I Do What I DoReading Strategies for TextsReadings Strategies for VisualsWriters Notebook: Dialogue NotesWriting Paraphrases and Summaries*Steven Pinker, Racist Language, Real and ImaginedWriting a ResponseSample Student Essay - Summary and Response*Christian Clark, Emotion and the Death Penalty: An Analysis of Jaclyn Tablert's, "Justice For Those Who Have Shown Us No Mercy"II. WRITING OCCASIONSAims of DiscourseModes of DiscourseWedding Aim and ModeClassifying Occasions5. Personal EssaysSample EssaysDatus Proper, Dark HollowJudith Ortiz Cofer, The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named MariaCharles McNair, My Father's Cabin*Christopher Fisher, ScarsThe Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Personal EssaysVisuals and Personal EssaysAssignment and Guidelines for WritingSample Student ProcessChris Miller, Gringos on Safari6. Information EssaysSample EssaysElisabeth Kubler-Ross, On the Fear of DyingSuzanne Smalley, The Perfect CrimeJay Chiat, Illusions are ForeverArthur Rosenfeld, Should Anyone Have to Live WIth Pain?Gloria Naylor, Mommy, What Does "Nigger" Mean?*Sandra Y. Govan, Listening to the Word, or 21st Century Readers and "The Souls of Black Folk"*Elizabeth C. Gardner, Transforming a Nation, Transforming an EnemyThe Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Information EssaysAssignment and Guidelines for WritingMaking Use of VisualsMeir Shalev, If Bosnians Were WhalesSample Student ProcessMichael Graham, All In a Day's Work: Generalizing, Profiling, and Stereotyping7. Essays About and From LiteratureSample Works of LiteratureJoyce Carol Oates, Shopping*Aaron Gwyn, Of FallingRobert Frost, For Once, Then, SomethingMargaret Atwood, Spelling Sherman Alexie, That Place Where Ghosts of Salmon JumpSherman Alexie, The Powwow at the End of the World*Sherman Alexie, EvolutionSample EssaysKendra Stead, The Making of Spells*Amy Wright, A Quest to Return to the Garden: Perception "Of Falling"Kendra Stead, No Exceptions*Steve Stoeckel, What About the Customer?The Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Interpretive EssaysAssignment and Guidelines for WritingWriting About LiteratureWriting From LiteratureSample Student ProcessKristina Geray, "How Exhausting It Is" To Keep Up Appearances8. Evaluation EssaysSample EssaysEllen Goodman, Beauty Industry on Rampage*Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Shooting to Win; Do Attack Ads Work? You Bet -- and That's Not All BadBill Bridges, “No Thanks"–A Step Beyond "Just Say No”Jennifer Pitman, Booze It? Lose It! An Evaluation of North Carolina's Drunk Driving Laws *Amy Wright, "The DaVinci Code": A Study in Print and FilmThe Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Evaluation EssaysLou Jacobs, What Qualities Does a Good Photograph Have? Evaluating Visual ImagesAssignment and Guidelines for WritingAn Exercise in Evaluation and The InternetPortfoliosJacqueline Cotter, Getting It Right: Fitting Message to AudienceSteve Duran, Steve Wants an ASample Student ProcessBridget McCollam, Adult Audiences Only9. Position EssaysSample Essays*Michael Haley, The Right Not to Listen*David Amante, Teaching Is Always A Political Act*Stephen Jay Gould, Nonoverlapping MagisteriaJennifer Pitman, Euthanasia and the Right to DieThe Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Position EssaysAssignment and Guidelines for WritingSample Student ProcessHeather Hall, The Next Big Winner Is...!!10. Persuasion EssaysSample EssaysMichael R. Heaphy, Dismemberment and Choice*Thomas Oliphant, Exposed in the Supreme Court: Lies About 'Partial Birth Abortion'*Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream*Richard Dawkins, When Religion Steps On Science's Turf: The Alleged Separation Between the Two Is Not So TidyJaime Sherrill, Zero Tolerence for AbuseJaclyn Talbert, Justice for Those Who Have Shown Us No MercyThe Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Persuasion EssaysAssignment and Guidelines for WritingSample Student ProcessAlysia Tucker, No More11. Problem/Solution EssaysSample Essays.William E. King, Out of Hurricane's WayJulie Titone, Balance of Power: Can Endangered Salmon and Hydroelectric Plants Share the Same Rivers?Andrew Overton, ChangeThe Rhetorical TriangleDistinguishing Features of Problem/Solution EssaysAssignment and Guidelines for WritingSample Student ProcessKristina Geray, The Pet Overpopulation ProblemIII. RESEARCH12. Researching and WritingTopic SelectionSearching a TopicIncorporating Material from SourcesDocumenting InformationCitationsSample Annotated Essay*Clarita Brown, The American Indian Movement as a CountercultureWriting AssignmentSample Student ProcessGardiner Rhoderick, Yes, It's Graffiti, but Is It Art?IV. WRITING AND ASSESSINGAssessment via Essay Exams13. Essay ExaminationsPackaging the ProcessPlanning Your Essay's ContentPlanning Your Essay's StructureOverlapping TerminologiesEssays That Ask for Practical ApplicationsPlanning Sample EssaysV. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATIONBasic GrammarParts of SpeechPhrases and ModificationSentence FunctionsSentence TypesPunctuation, Spelling, and Manuscript MechanicsEnd PunctuationPunctuation within SentencesSpellingManuscript MechanicsCapitalizationLiterary CreditsIndex