The Locavore Way: Discovering the Delicious Pleasures of Eating Fresh, Locally Grown Food

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Author: Amy Cotler

ISBN-10: 1603424539

ISBN-13: 9781603424530

Category: Cooking & Food Reference

Millions of Americans are rediscovering the pleasures of locally grown food. By eating food grown close to home, they can boost their health, reduce their carbon footprint, support a robust local economy, and enhance their sense of community . . . all while savoring scrumptious, satisfying meals. It’s no wonder that the number of farmers’ markets has more than doubled in the last 15 years, and the number of people getting produce straight from the farm has increased almost twentyfold in the...

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Millions of Americans are rediscovering the pleasures of locally grown food. By eating food grown close to home, they can boost their health, reduce their carbon footprint, support a robust local economy, and enhance their sense of community . . . all while savoring scrumptious, satisfying meals. It’s no wonder that the number of farmers’ markets has more than doubled in the last 15 years, and the number of people getting produce straight from the farm has increased almost twentyfold in the same period!But novice locavores can find themselves stumped by basic questions. What’s the best way to shop at a farmers’ market? Is it possible to eat locally all year long? And just what does one do with braising greens, anyway?Enter The Locavore Way by Amy Cotler. This friendly guide to eating locally gives readers all the information they need to buy, cook, and eat close to home. Cotler covers all the basics — why eat locally, where to find local foods, how to eat locally on a budget, what questions to ask at the farmers’ market, and even how to grow one’s own food. She offers savvy shopping tips, simple guides to preparing whatever is in season, ideas for bringing out the best flavors in farm-fresh foods, and strategies to make the harvest last.Cotler demystifies local foods for the newcomer and demonstrates how eating within one’s own “foodshed” is as simple as it is satisfying. The Locavore Way is at once a practical, how-to guide and a celebration of all that is fresh and flavorful. With this handy resource tucked into their canvas market tote, readers will have the information they need to find, select, store, prepare, and preserve the bounty . . . all year long!

Welcome! 1Getting Started 6Step 1 Shop For Local FoodsFarmers' Markets 22Farm Stands and U-Pick Farms 39Community Supported Agriculture 47Buying Clubs 67Stores of All Kinds 77Step 2 Eat Simply and SeasonallyAt Home with Local Foods 96Open Recipes and Improvisations 113Dining Out 133Play with Your Produce 146Step 3 Connect and EngageGet Your Hands Dirty 180Become a Local Food Advocate 197AppendixKey Events in Local Food History 216Local Food and Sustainability Glossary 22Resources 227Index 236