The Literary Culture of the Reformation: Grammar and Grace

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Author: Brian Cummings

ISBN-10: 0198187351

ISBN-13: 9780198187356

Category: English Literature

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To examine the Reformation in writing and the writing of the Reformation is to uncover an unfamiliar archaeology of religion: an underground network of text and commentary, of translation and controversy. In this study, Brian Cummings not only provides a new visibility to the complex cultural processes of writing in England and the Continent, he also underlines the significance of the neglected hinterland of grammar during this turbulent period.

Note for the ReaderList of IllustrationsAbbreviations1The Reformation and Literary Culture15IGrammatical Culture: Medieval to Renaissance20IIWords and Things: Montaigne of Language26IIIThe Textuality of the Ninety-Five Theses30IVLetter and Spirit: Luther's 1520 Pamphlets and More's Responsio38VThe Gift of Language47Pt. 1Humanism and Theology in Northern Europe 1512-15272The Reformation of the Reader57INarratives of Conversion60IILuther the Reader68IIIFrom Luther to Augustine79IVGrammatica Theologica: Lectures on Psalms and Romans88VJustifying God963New Grammar and New Theology102IErasmus's Novum Instrumentum and the New Grammar104IIErasmus and the Schools111IIIScholastic Luther or Humanist Luther?118IVHumanism and the Modi Significandi127VSpeech Acts: Solecisms and Felicities1354Erasmus Contra Luther144IThe Politics of Interpretation145IIThe Proof-Text: Erasmus and Luther on Ecclesiasticus 15156IIIImperative versus Indicative159IVThe Theologian and the Grammarian167VThe Potter and the Clay175Pt. 2The English Language and the English Reformations 1521-16035Vernacular Theology187IDifferent Tongues: More versus Tyndale190IIThe Fall of Language196IIIEnglishing Grammar206IVTheology Wars: The Reign of Henry VIII213VWyatt's Writing Lesson: The Penitentiall Psalms2236Protestant Culture232ICultural Reformation: Bucer in England233IICalvin's Commentaries246IIIThe Logic of Calvinism252IVOriginal Defection: Sidney's Defence Poesie264VLiterature Anti-Literature270Pt. 3Literature and the English Reformations 1580-16407Calvinist and Anti-Calvinist281IEnglish Calvinist Culture283IIPredestination and Certainty: The Lambeth Articles287IIIFulke Greville's Beliefs: The Confidence of the Flesh297IVPurloined Letters: Andrewes, Hooker, Herbert, and Anti-Calvinism308VHerbert's The Temple: Grace and the Gift3198Recusant Poetry328IRobert Southwell's Tears330IIRepentance and Justification at the Council of Trent339IIIConfessional Poetry346IVConditions of Grace: Saint Peters Complaint3559God's Grammar365IDonne's Conversions366IICampion's Brag and Campion's Bloody Reasons378IIIThe Noise of the Holy Sonnets385IVDonne's Dangerous Question396VShall Be, That Is, May Be40610Revolutionary English421IThe Necessary Fall422IIMilton's English424IIILanguage and Error427Bibliography432Primary Sources432Secondary Sources444Index461