The Language of News Media

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Author: Allan Bell

ISBN-10: 0631164359

ISBN-13: 9780631164357

Category: Journalism

Written by a linguist who is himself a journalist, this is a uniquely informed account of the language of the news media. Based in the frameworks of sociolinguistics and discourse analysis its concerns are with the notion of the news story, the importance of the processes which produce media language and the role of the audience.

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Written by a linguist who is himself a journalist, this is a uniquely informed account of the language of the news media. The aim of this book is to explore this influential language, to ask what the patterns of media discourse tell readers about wider linguistic issues, and what they also reveal about news and the media.

List of Figures and TablesviiEditor's PrefacexiIntroduction and Acknowledgementsxiii1Media and Language11Why study media language?32Media language research and the disciplines53Themes of the book82Researching Media Language91Universe and sample102What's news: defining genres123News outlets174News outputs225Pitfalls, shortcuts and the long way round256The media react to research303The Production of News Language331Many hands make tight work342Producer roles in news language363The news assembly line444Embedding in the news text504Authoring and Editing the News Text561Constructing the news text562How news is edited663Why edit?755The Audience for Media Language841Disjunction and isolation852Multiple roles in the audience903Audience embedding954Communicators as audience986Stylin' the News: Audience Design1041Style in language1042Style and audience status in the British press1073Audience design in New Zealand radio1104Editing copy for style1227Talking Strange: Referee Design in Media Language1261Taking the initiative1262The referees1273Television advertisements as referee design1358Telling Stories1471News stories and personal narratives1482News values1553News as stories1614The structure of news stories1699Make-up of the News Story1751The lead1752Headlines1853News sources and actors1904Time and place in the news1985Facts and figures2026Talking heads20410Telling It Like It Isn't2121Approaches to media miscommunication2122Misreporting: the climate change case2163Misediting international news22411(Mis)understanding the News2301Recall and comprehension2312The public misunderstand climate change238Notes248References254Index269