The Jesus I Never Knew

MP3 Book
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Author: Philip Yancey

ISBN-10: 0310261570

ISBN-13: 9780310261575

Category: Biblical Figures - Biography

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Philip Yancey reveals the real Jesus beyond the stereotypes, revolutionizing the reader's passion for Christ.'Excellent for Homeschool Use'

Contents Introduction Session 1: The Jesus I Thought I Knew Session 2 : Birth: The Visited Planet Session 3: Background: Jewish Roots and Soil Session 4: Temptation: Showdown in the Desert Session 5: Profile: What Would I Have Noticed?Session 6: Beatitudes: Lucky Are the Unlucky Session 7: Message: A Sermon of Offense Session 8: Mission: A Revolution of Grace Session 9: Miracles: Snapshots of the Supernatural Session 10: Death: The Final Week Session 11: Resurrection: A Morning Beyond Belief Session 12: Ascension: A Blank Blue Sky Session 13: Kingdom: Wheat Among the Weeds Session 14: The Difference He Makes About the Writer